Is Ubuntu really that bad? Everytime i search for something about Linux or watch a YT video about Linux...

Is Ubuntu really that bad? Everytime i search for something about Linux or watch a YT video about Linux, there's always a jab at Ubuntu. Is this a case of popular= bad noob friendly = bad. Or is it actually bad? I use Ubuntu and its fine. I've been looking at Endeavor os, as Arch seems interesting and installing Endeavor is pretty easy. What is the best 2022 distro?

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They used to include Amazon spyware
I don't think they still do but now they're also trying to force people to use snaps instead of its very reasonable package manager

Ubuntu is just bad. It's not elitism, it's Ubuntu being bad. Ubuntu used to be the favorite because it was good, but now it's bad. This isn't rocket surgery.

there's a lot of reasons to rip on ubuntu, but vendor lock-in is my biggest issue. snaps in particular make this bad. sure, technically "anything" can support snaps, but in real-world practice they break in everything except ubuntu. even in ubuntu they aren't that great, especially since it's more or less being used as a "Proton for everything that isn't a game" rather than sticking to being a simple application sandbox or whatever the hell it is that it tries to do.

>install apt package
>snap version installs

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I used to use Ubuntu for around 10 or so years, but when they forced snaps on Firefox I just switched to Endeavour.

Yeah this shit is annoying af

It's bad. Only thing it's good is for you to think about how much you miss Windows and MacOS.

Try Debian or Arch, they are harder in the beginning but they will never make you want to go back to MS or Apple (well, maybe Debian will cause it sucks sometimes).

>It's bad. Only thing it's good is for you to think about how much you miss Windows and MacOS.

But I dont. Ubuntu works pretty well. I dont have the forced updates that windows gives me. Or the themed gay pride flags they decided to put on the desktop. What does arch do that Ubuntu doesnt

Debian's a good foundational distro to build other distros on top of, and to use as a server. For day to day use, the packages are too fucking old.

If you want something that's hard but rewarding, don't waste your time on Arch. Go with Gentoo for the learning experience (it will make you a Linux expert by accident), or NixOS if you want something powerful and practical.

>don't waste your time on Arch
it seems pretty popular, must be for a reason

debian and all its derivatives teaching you to compile from source early and not rely on trash like snaps or flatpaks or A U R

Arch has been around for a very long time, and was good before better alternatives existed. Today's fans represent a legacy.

i still miss unity

One of the few things Ubuntu did right. Unity sucked at first, then it got a little better, then it was Making GNOME Great Again... then it died suddenly. What happened?

I fucking hate apt so much. I recommend endeavour to people because at least with pacman + aur newbies don't have to go through annoying experiences of adding new repos and shit just works. Fuck you apt

snap was a mistake

how does he get strong if he isnt eating big? this is backwards

Hunger is the greatest motivator. That's why I never ate during my high school years; it kept me on-edge.

mutant powers

>Or the themed gay pride flags they decided to put on the desktop
What the fuck, I've never had this.
Is it because I didn't even bother to use a key?