Louisiana thread

Louisiana thread

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What part of Louisiana? I work in this shit hole state

Not OP. I used to live in haughton until 98.

That chick lives in BR

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Yep, it’s fuckin Louisiana alright…

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Whats wrong with Louisiana? geniunely curious. Always wanted to visit...

Yea they all look exactly how I thought they would. Yall eat way too much crayfish.


It's one the worst states in the union after the likes of Mississippi. Good food though.

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fuck off with the nasty bat girl. stop spamming that shit no one wants

he asked so gfy

Let’s see pussy

open or closed lol

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The people in Louisiana are all gigantic faggots or worse, niggers.

yes- its horrible- best never ever come.....

I've found yankees to be worse. Ruder and moar up their own asses while pandering to SJW retardation.
Eh, come down and visit. We need that tourism dosh since Huey Long's dumb ass sold off our oil. It's not horrible if you stick to touristy spots. Wouldn't recommend places like North Baton Rouge, the 9th ward, or bumfuck rural spots that ain't bayou tours.

While trips don't lie, for every one of these, you'll find 200 of