Is it ok to have a super high body count at age 24?

Is it ok to have a super high body count at age 24?

I'm gay, I slept with a few guys in high school. When I got to uni I really explored and slept around alot. Probably 50 guys in my freshman year. Years 2,3,4 I slept with about 10-20 per year.

Since I graduated and have been working in the city, my body count has gone up even more. I've settled into a nice routine and I'll typically see 2-3 guys per week. So from age 22-24 it's been around 120 guys per year.

At this point I barely think about it, like hooking up has just become routine for me. I have sexual needs and I get them met. Lots of cute guys in my city. I'm on PrEP so no worries that way. I'm really matter of fact about it. But I just realized that my body count is probably 350 or more. I'm not super flamboyant or anything and most people can't even te I'm gay lol

Anybody else in the same boat?

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Thats a lot of text essentially summing up only one well known fact. OP is a massive faggot.

still not the gayest OP today

Jesus tapdancing christ, 350? I don't even fucking care that you're gay or about STDs. That is a hell of an addiction, bud.

No wonder faggots are so mentally unstable. You know sex decreases pair bonding attachment the more you have of it right? I dont even know if faggots like you can pair bond to begin with, I assume you can but after 10 in a woman, she is no go zone. 350 for a faggot? I wouldn't get anywhere near you. You are a lost cause my man, sorry. Hope you enjoy your hollow life of depravity. You earned it bud.


This is standard faggotry. It's not uncommon for gay men to have several thousand partners over their lifetime.

No judgement, I don't think it matters really but just sounds risky to have so many partners. Be safe, maybe consider getting a bf or something??

Without condoms it's calling for a STDs epidemic, aids have been the first incurable one happening

I don't hate faggots intrinsically, but faggots that act like this? I am judging them based on the content of their character, no homophobia needed to see they are shit people.
As if a faggot like that could ever settle down

All gays are hypersexual and they have the highest rates of STDs because anuses were not mean for fucking.

you call that a "super high body count"?

Get tested you animal, otherwise party on.

Your body count is 0 (cero) since the goal for sex is reproduction.

You are a hooked porn addicted zombie chasing men or more porn addicted zombie.

You were simply destroyed in the womb, you are a male with mental disorder completely submitted to hedonistic pleasure unable to become neither a man or a female, you can't compete against other men.

You are a victim dragging and enabling more people into your "life style" you are a another participant pawn in social engineering.

In an alternate universe where you are healthy and normal you would be horrified to see yourself.

Of course i don't really expect to convince a zombie he's one.

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Master and Commander is some top-notch Crowe kino. Would definitely recommend.

As long as youre safe and enoy urself, and pay attention to ur mental health its all good. I probably could frick around but Im happily just having fun with my fwb cus thats safe and fun for me

Are you a top (key) or a bottom (lock)?

You're disgusting

You should be gassed

it depends OP, are you top or bottom? has your hole been fucked by 350 different cocks??

r u attractive or are u just not picky with your sexual partners ?