It's my day off

it's my day off

bf wakes up
first thing he does is go downstairs a yell at me for leaving the back door open for the cat
its a beautiful day outside
i close the door
10 mins later
i got a wrong number dial for a nearby mfg plant
we have the same phone number but different area codes
in addition, their area code is xxy and mine is zzy
its a funny call, i can hear a guy in the background say "no not xxy! it's zzy!"
i tell my bf hey look we are number neighbors
he tells me i am wrong, different area codes
i say its the next city over, and even the area codes are similar
he goes into a lecture on what number neighbors mean, how I am wrong, and how I can't answer questions
he does this all the time and im tired of arguing over stupid shit
i sarcastically tell him you know what you are right, clearly im stupid
he goes into a rage
slams door
im getting the silent treatment again

what should I do with my day off Any Forums?

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If girl, post tits or gtfo

learn how to tie a noose

Finding another man if this behavior is frequent

show vagene

Dump that depressing bitch, sounds like he's gotten to use to his dopamine on demand. Cut him off and watch him come crawling back

nah im not depressed just because someone else is an asshole

Kek what a pathetic thread. You thought you were some hot shit creating this thread, expecting people to flood you with replies and memes.
No lol. Time to gas yourself for the very good of mankind, you little subhuman. Oh my God, what a terrible OP you are. Ruined this entire board with this dumb thread.

you think smoking weed and jerking off turns someone that way?

oh you are very bad ass being mean to someone on the internet

Tits or gtfo
Also leave your lame ass bf, if he doest tell you he loves you everyday and doesnt slip you a length everday then hes useless
What are you, amber heard?

Go for a walk

Are you a female or a gay?

sorry i didnt preface my story with pronouns and explain my genitalia arrangement immediately with you. i sexually identify as your mom.

beat your bf to death, it's the kindest thing you can do today

Well I cant give you a proper answer without all the information idiot. It's a simple question.

No fucking wonder you bf flies off the handle, christ almighty.

let a superior Black man fuck and breed you with his BBC to make that whiteboi jealous (he'd probably like it too kek)

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You got that mixed up, nigger fucking rabbi

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look at more up to date stats, cracker

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>simple, basic af question
>drawn out sarcastic response that still doesnt answer the question

It's a mystery as to why your man isnt pissing rainbows and shitting unicorns. Clearly you are a pleasure to live with

Get a different apartment and move. Break up with BF. Get your shit together. Next month look for new BF. Same advice for either gender


Just keep running from your problems and adding to your baggage. Dont try to work on anything, just replace it.