This girl dated a 31 year old black Islamic. Wtf is wrong with women??

This girl dated a 31 year old black Islamic. Wtf is wrong with women??

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They want a good dickin

At what cost though??

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>At what cost though??
Eh, literally nothing?

Any pictures of her with black eyes yet?x2d4k

Won't she regret it at eventually? Coal burning whore

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Why would she?

Kek what a pathetic thread. You thought you were some hot shit creating this thread, expecting people to flood you with replies and memes.
No lol. Time to gas yourself for the very good of mankind, you little subhuman. Oh my God, what a terrible OP you are. Ruined this entire board with this dumb thread.

Women are fucking stupid now days they can't even fucking cook something

Women bad

Women have been brainwashed by popular media to never be content. Their instinct is to look for a stable home life in which to raise children. However, they've been conditioned to pursue whatever random thought comes through their mind and that they can always "do better". They're acting on pure impulse with no thought towards consequences. That's why my sister makes good money posting products on instagram that capitalize on that instant gratification dopamine hit. We all have fleeting thoughts about things that are well out the bounds of what is acceptable. Look up "intrusive thoughts". It's a natural byproduct of the intense creativity and problem solving required for our ancient ancestors to survive. However, a normal and stable person will instantly push those aside. Today, women, and men for that matter, have been conditioned to act on those impulses. Hence, you end up with women making stupid decisions that end in them abused, and alone with a child that they, and society, aren't prepared to deal with.

I hate to break it to you, but if she ends up with a white guy, she could do better.

So, yes. She will eventually regret being a stupid slut

Ok, Tyrone. Maybe you should go back to reading up on how to beat your domestic violence rap, instead of the Rabbinic playbook.

I'd much rather prefer reading white boys crying online

IDK m8 I looked her up, I'd watch her get railed by niggers

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She deleted most of her coom bait stuff unfortunately. Only a matter of time before she starts slutting it up again

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She'll get bored of the "not enough attention" bug eventually

>Fat, angry, autistic incel conservitard repugnant to all sentient life feeling sorry for himself

>Wtf is wrong with women??

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nice twitch emote, must be nice having the summer off. Welcome to Any Forums you inbred summer child,

This OP dated no one.

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>Can't win the argument. HMMMM

HeRp DeRp PleBBiT! TwiTCH! TranNy!

>MOOOM! I pwned another libtaaard!