What illegal things do you keep?

What illegal things do you keep?

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My own thoughts... I'm based, I know

I keep getting sad

A couple unregistered handguns

rare pepes

lawn darts

Your foreskin.

I keep the 101st Airborne Division in my basement

ur b-hole virginity, OP

Nuclear weapons

>You wouldn't download an infantry division


my love for other humans

Nice try feds, but using Apu and reverse psychology will not even work on the most retarded of Anons here.

MK Ultragay

Knowledge of how to start up/shut down nuclear reactors.

Snitches get stitches, puta.

10 steps ahead fedo. Always remember that

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Mostly pirated games/consoles and bootleg cartridges.


I fuck horses and dogs and video the fucking then i sell it online to make a living

Shut up spic build my patio

nice cartoon fucking 4eyes

Ahahaha the dipshits at the FBI have been trying so hard since last Saturday.

>glownigger detected

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I have a text file listing nintendo game cheats.

i once farted besides an old lady while helping her across the street

Terry was a skinny schizo with a tiny penis

glownigger rage

A bunch of addresses and personal info of a bunch of pedos I've extorted for fun.