Instead of going to the hood to shoot gang niggers and be in a firefight; he decides to kill a security guard...

>instead of going to the hood to shoot gang niggers and be in a firefight; he decides to kill a security guard, a woman who helped the poor, a grandmother who survived breast cancer, a father who was buying cake for his son's birthday, and other unarmed citizens minding their own business
this guy is a dumb faggot who was too pussy to shoot others who are willing to fight back. people can't be that stupid, clearly the jews set him up

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He could have went out like Travis Bickle

>thinks "the hood" is even a thing anymore

also too pussy to kill himself

He has a wide nose....interesting.

itzzzzz daaa jooooooooz

everywhere is the hood now, american culture is centered around niggers.

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This is Buffalo's sandy hook.all hearsay. He was having gay relations with his black neighbor 200 miles away

there's a reason all these shooters look inbred. 0 critical thinking skills. He could have just joined the army and been literally payed to go shoot brown people for fun in the middle east and pillage their women.

he'd probably break down crying if the drill sergeant yelled at him

>eurofag doesn't know how america is

IKR? Fucking subhuman apes pretending to be white, top fucking kek.

at least if he shot up actual gang members and then the cops, he would have went to valhalla

>going to the hood to shoot
If he did that he would have never even made it on the news.

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lmao, true.

Oh look, it's bait.

>racists are dumb cowards
Is this supposed to be a surprise?

It is to racists
>Waiting for the next thread about this fag

Lmao, he looks hispanic,

Killed niggers, that's public service period

he would still be a free man if he went to the hood. response time would have been almost an hour kek

niggers that are no threat to society, he at least could have gone against cocaine sniffing hood niggers

Travis Bickle was a fictional character in a movie user

He could have just gone to west Garfield park in Chicago. There’s plenty of guys who are actually doing harm. But he’s a faggot. A faggot is all he will ever be.

Yeah, really. The kid is a massive fucking pussy.

look at Thomas Robb the leader of the kkk. he has these black youtubers going to his house to prank him.

when you think anti black, you think kkk. and this dude just willingly let this happen. these people are all frauds in person
racists are always cowards

That was on purpose. He said he was going somewhere that only used cuck calibers and limited capacity magazines.

He also identifies a left-winger.