What are your thoughts on being an anarchist /b?

What are your thoughts on being an anarchist /b?

I get tired of seeing political shit all the time and feel like it is just a shit show for the weak. Personally I don't care if what i do is illegal because most of the time it is almost impossible to prove anyways and I'm just going to do whatever the fuck i want anyways.

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It's all fun and games until you're on the receiving end of stealing or some petty argument between two gangs escalates into an all out war that fucks over everyone else

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I already am one. Growing one's own food is hard fucking work though.

Ok then make a law about it

I'm an anarchist but i'm aware that anarchism does not work with humans.

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>Why be pro state and make more shit illegal? When does the federal government say ok these are more than enough laws we are good?

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ANCAP is the only philosophically consistent political ideology

I remember trying to start an anarchist commune.
No one would follow the rules.

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Just remember, no self respecting anarchist anywhere would ever say "Since we're here, we might as well form a government."

You've got school tomorrow kid. Go the fuck to bed.

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The "weak"? You're the weakest there is, you parasite. You'll find out sooner or later that you don't live in a bubble. Your life right now would simply not be possible without the indirect cooperation of hundreds of millions of others. Let's think anarchy through for 5 seconds since it seems like you haven't. How do you design anarchy? How do you institute anarchy? How do you keep people from developing hierarchies of their own? It all requires rules and people to enforce those rules. Anarchy is a self-defeating fantasy for angsty teens.


i think it depends where its at- if america was pushed into anarchism the country would die off quickly. between the lack of clear direction and having to fend for yourself, the majority of people are sheep who cant think for themselves

>order without rulers
What a fucking oxymoron. Order in society requires the presence of authority, which creates a hierarchy. Order without hierarchy would only be possible if everyone agreed about everything forever, which is ridiculous idea.

Anarchy theorists say that the study of anarchy is the study of power, since power is anarchy's opposite, and most of them agree on the fact that power is written in the human being, every child after birth finds himself in a position of submission while the parents (or tutors obviously) have power upon him, then the teachers, job superiors, cops, and so on... so most (if not all) of them agree that anarchy is actually an utopia, but the desire of autodetermination that makes people dream it is an important part of the human being as well, it doesn't make sense to build a system over it, applied in society it causes just random destruction, and can be actually applied only going to live alone in the wild (even if you go with a few friends eventually some kind of society, so some kind of power will rise and it won't be actual anarchy, even if imo in most cases it will be a better society than the normal one)

Not to ruin your dream user, but an anarchist commune with rules is just a commune lol

>Personally I don't care if what i do is illegal because most of the time it is almost impossible to prove anyways and I'm just going to do whatever the fuck i want anyways.

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Anarchists don't believe in "nO rUleZ" they believe in no government.