How is your life going user?

How is your life going user?
>be me 30 yo
>gf just broke up with me basically because I lack ambition and had no plans for the future.
>still living with my parents
>got fat (trying to lose weight going 2 hours to the gym almost daily)
>stable avarage job with no savings (but no debts except for an expensive pc I bought)
>own a motorcycle instead of a car
I don't know where to start to improve my life, I'm not even trying to get my gf back anymore

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>How is your life going user?

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Nice blog post faggot sage

shits manageable right now
good luck with the weight loss OP

sucks. could be worse, so not complaining.

>You are fat
>You own a motorcycle
sounds like you problems.

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[I'm in this photo and I shouldn't like it lmao]

The only way out of hell is through it.

Good job going to the gym. Keep going with that. Try to be frugal and start saving some money. You're doing well, user. Don't waste time trying to get your gf back. Turn your attention to you and your life instead of her. Try to build community based on the things you like. That's something I'm struggling with currently after moving across the country last year.

If a woman won't stick with you through poverty and sickness, she doesn't deserve you during the wealth and health. Good on you for going to gym. I do pushups, squats, and go for a walk daily. It can be hard. By the way, Violet Evergarden is a great anime.

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>doing ok, but sometimes the regrets get the best of me.
>Long story short took a moonshot and it didn't work out. Went into a deep funk and just as i was getting out of it covid hit and sent me back in
>been a year of gradual improvement, two steps forward one back.
>settling into a life of mediocrity. Whereas at 26 it looked like i was truly going to make it big - the stars had aligned
>sacrificed a lot to get to that point and the fall from grace was not pretty.

could be better, but things can always get worse. Its nice to be above water again. Allows me to work on moving up on the Pavlov hierarchy

I'll stick around and talk if this thread is still allive

Keep heading to the gym, start spending more time outside along with learning a new hobby that will benefit you.

For example, I'm learning how to program and it stemmed from getting out of a depression.

You got this, user.

based tranny

>Turning 29 this year
>Still a virgin
>dumb as a bag of rocks
>No Highschool degree had to drop out cause of life long illness getting out of hand
>illness is gone but now have a colostomy bag for life
>Keep telling myself ill find someone but know my bag will keep me alone forever
>never had friends
>lost my dog to cancer few months ago
>its okay cause I finally have enough strength to finally go threw with killing myself

Thats the wrong through, faggot

no one cares kys

Thank you all, I truly appreciate it. To be honest the most difficult part is to find motivation. I try to stay away of negativity media and thoughts because that's one of the most difficult things for me right now. It'snso tempting to just cope with reality and be lazy or get drunk but I'll do my best.
I've been asking myself the same question over and over, would I date myself? And I'm trying to get better until my inner mind say "yes"

Covid really mess up a lot of things for some people. Sucks to her that stuff turn out bad, but remember that once you hit rock bottom I can only go up. Good luck user you can do it.

The best motivation is to think how much happier you'd be if you started a year ago. A year from now you'll be that happy

It really sucks user, but you know? Being with women sucks ass too. At the most part is a pain in the ass. (I'm not saying is all bad but shouldn't be the center of your universe). Do you have any interests and hobbies? Why the hurry to kys.

Just take a year off man and keep doing the exercise/work thing (or not with the later). Live frugal like the other guy said and pick up a creative project of sorts...something where you're actively "creating" in some form. Make something you'll be proud of.

You're only 30 you got time for family shit too in a few years.

goin aite I guess, have had worse times

I'm really determined to get there, were I want. Tbh the whole purpose of this thread was for me to vent I guess and also to get other anons to share. Last time I made one of these it turned out great, almost wholesome. We reached the thread limit. I like to think that these advices might help out someone, even lurkers watching

Well, continue to work on yourself before trying to get a new GF.
As for where to go next, eh, just keep 'er steady for the moment.
Bad times are coming, OP. I would advise preparing for them.
Getting fit is a good choice.
Having a reserve of food is another good choice. Make sure they're non-perishables.