Why aren't you making at least 10 cute kids Any Forums?

Why aren't you making at least 10 cute kids Any Forums?

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Got two boys, it's enough.

I have one daughter and since I was not there at the birth of that kid and the child protection services judged it was better that way I was kept from being with this kid or raising it.

Once your society (note I dont claim part of it anymore, i'm just tagging along until something better shows up) start fixing their mistake with me I will think about adding more.

But right now it seems like an awful lot of work for very little reward judging how quickly this society can turn on you and capitalize on every little single thing that makes you great.

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at least i aint a virgin. if i was id an hero

I dont have 10 cute kids money. At best I'd be able to afford having 3

How do you guarantee the quality of life for 10 kids? You would need a lot of money

Because I'm neither African nor pre-potato famine Irish

And yes my parents hates me for thinking like that. It's like i'm accepting defeat but really i'm not, i'm plotting their defeat in the most cruel and unimaginable way possible.

Once I get shit under control life on earth will be different.

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Because I'm cute. No need to make more babies. Any other questions?

Two is plenty.

World's overpopulated
Kids are overrated

Because 1) one is enough work and 2) he and his mom almost died and another pregnancy would be even more risky. But he is cute as fuck. We can't go anywhere without at least one person stopping us to say how cute he is.

1. No desire for progeny
2. No money for progeny
3. No incubator for progeny

>why are't Any Forumstards having kids???

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Cause Id rather have no worries

I have no incentive to do such a thing.

most women arent worth starting a family with. there are exceptions, but those are getting harder and harder to find. its gotten to the point where i just self improve for myself, and one of those women might come along at some point, but im not expecting it.

Whatever you're plotting, don't forget to livestream it

Becaysr i dont want to

Had to stop. before 10 because I didn't have the money to support more. Unlike niggers and beaners the government isn't paying me to have kids

Kids are gross.

i think 15 mass shootings a week are enough. also the national happiness is really low and more kids would lower it even further.

Because I am a hopeless incel and because I am a hopeless NEET aspie.

You're asking Any Forums this question? Any Forums is,

25% pedo
25% tranny
25% faggot
25% incel

Then me, peak alpha, I'm basically a walking hardon.. you want 10 kids eh!... I'll give you 20!

fem here, how many white kids should i birth?

All of them!