What's Any Forumss opinion on php?

What's Any Forumss opinion on php?

Shitty 90s mess of a language, or actually useful?

Attached: php-icon-png-0.png (298x216, 46.81K)

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Better than Python or Node

Could be worse, better than Javascript for a backend.

Better than Python
Better than Node
Worse than Node with TypeScript

Better than go piss land that cant call a function and write a file without giving errors about nil pointers

it's now maintained by jews, so it will be good

Honestly the newer versions aren't that bad, some syntax things that I think are retarded but nothing is really a deal breaker. As long as you have a clean codebase you'll be fine.

The problem is the 4.5 quadrillion shitty early '00s script kiddie code and WordPress sites all still using php 5.6 that gives it the bad reputation.

It's okay as a practice language. Easy to learn templaring and server side coding.
Not for anything else though. Performance is awful. Syntax is awful. Javascript/typescript is better in every way for a dynamic language

>saying 2 turds are worse than the whole sewer

Attached: 7513128dcad4d2916c6f3d51bdf2685b.jpg (900x900, 43.92K)

Better than anything but a toy language

It's ok if you have the discipline to write it well. Few do.

Hmmm let's see. phpbb resulted in massive fucking forums that could sprawl tens of thousands of pages and yet never once did you have so much as a hiccup in navigating through posts, even on single-core Pentium machines. Compared to today where we just throw JS frameworks at a problem and get shit like infinite scrolling on Facebook Marketplace where the tab subsumes all RAM on the system, and if you want to go back and look at something from a few pages ago the scrolling breaks.

>Performance is awful
php 7 was faster than js and version 8 is much faster
>Syntax is awful
declare strict types and it looks ok

Useful mess.
This is a language that you use to show simple pages with simple db exchange.
And its ok at that, but when retards start using it in frameworks shit falls apart.

If it didn't have stupid $variables and using - > instead of . like a sane language it would be far better.

Looks to me like Javascript is still faster than php8 after some googling. Not even mentioning 7. At least with request per second tests or in the classic benchmark game.

its slower even than php7

Attached: file.png (3000x2100, 153.58K)

php just suck ass

>Take a moment to reflect on how non-retarded programming languages handle integer overflows (or underflows for that matter). I can think of three main approaches to handle such scenarios and give you one language each:
>1) C/C++ ignores the fact that an overflow happened and starts counting from the other side (usually, although technically the behavior is undefined according to the language specifications).
>2) C# will throw an exception indicating the overflow, given the operation was carried out within a checked block.
>3) Ruby features type promotion and automatically switches to arbitrary integers to deliver the correct result.
>Now PHP follows a completely different approach. Instead of doing something sensible, it automatically converts the value to float. Let that sink in for a while. Even worse, there is no easy mechanism to detect such overflows. Programmers that have to deal with numbers larger than signed 32bit integers* are required to use packages like GMP or BCMath. PHP does not support unsigned variables.

>node with typescript
>export const => () => {}
>export interface [] {}
>export type []{}
>export enum {}
>const variable: Type = {}

Typescript is one of the worst thing that happened to javascript, fucking hate it

>I'm no expert in all these languages, so take my results with a grain of salt.
>Also the findings just show how good the languages can handle floating point operations
Doesn't look like that has anything to do with performance. Only floating point operations by a guy who doesn't even know most of the languages.

holy fuck, python is so shit