This is genuinely how conservatives think gas prices are decided

This is genuinely how conservatives think gas prices are decided

Attached: Conservative gas prices.jpg (1000x820, 252.01K)

same fucking arguement when bush or trump was president and democrat voters blamed him

Biden is based as fuck.

>reeeeee why won't biden press the "make more baby formula" button!
>why didn't he he pull out a crystal ball and predict this!!!!

Glad you admit the republic outrage is bullshit.

No dumbfuck

Escalating the semi-fake Ukraine proxy war did, which Biden has nothing to do with because hes not in charge

Except I saw a lot of Trump cock riding when prices were cheap. Conservatives are genuinely retarded.


this but unironically

The Dems literally just introduced a bill for price controls.

Who is in charge?

It's also how dems think a gender is changed

Joe Manchin


Attached: source.jpg (736x315, 14.14K)

So, the republicans are in charge of high gas prices. I agree.

you tourists are missing the point. its retarded when either side does it, but they just forget when their person is in charge. none of these rich basterds give a shit about us and politics is a waste of time. youre still stuck on "haha republicans dump" both sides are fucking fake and gay and if you side with either team youre retarded

you want a source on the opinion "biden is NOT based as fuck"?

see pic for my source

Attached: goatse.png (850x636, 774.66K)

You have gay porn saved to your computer.

Attached: 1605245492310.jpg (1024x1024, 170.1K)

It's a shame that conservatives and some democrats have made this entire country so dependent on gas prices for day to day life.

Yeah and I made you look at it too.

My work here is done faggot

And you enjoyed it kek

Attached: AP-Trump-western-wall_4x3t_992.jpg (992x744, 59.96K)

Thank god the enlightened centrist is here to say "both sides!" with no further elaboration

Attached: file.png (201x251, 52.59K)

>im not gay u r
Uh, okay.

masonic jew cave
masonic jew cave

>Uh, okay

try not to cry too hard