Cpp bros... Its over


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>alien style ancient keywords
doa, into the trash it goes

doesn't provide anything to cpp more than just a facelift.

>no private/pub/extern
>capital letters in function names

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>c++ but with tranny syntax
no thanks

>syntax is more important than semantics
never change, Any Forumsreshmen compsci students.

So what problem does this solve again?

>form doesn't matter
then go write assembly, faggot

Am I writing syntax or semantics?

C++ is for people that know what they're doing, how will dumbing it down attract them?

Literally just Go++

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>it's just "Go with classes"
>people who don't like Go won't use this either
>people who do like Go will be split between these two langs

Obviously it doesn't have the semantics either. Template fuckery is hard to match in expressive power.

Nope, you need to rewrite all headers of every library and you have no way to keep cross-version compatibility

Also, like correctly says, C++ libs are often header only with very specific and complex semantics

You mean the thing most languages allow when they want to be the C killer. I mean it's nice there is no over head, but why would I switch to carbon when I already have a working C++ code base. Why would I want to mix it and increase the amount of language knowledge required. If anything all these C killers make it apparent C is going no where. Why write a codebase in something like carborn, zig, hare, rust, when there is no guarantee that the language will still be popular in 5 years. It will definitely still be niche. Its like the people writing perl applications back in the 90's sure bet they thought perl would stay popular and wouldn't become a niche meme.

The fact that you consider Perl a niche meme and you compare Perl in the 90s to all these languages made by trannies shows you have no idea what you are talking about

Exactly because nobody uses it anymore. I don't care about some dead language that is only used for legacy shit. I mean would you prefer I compare it to COBOL or ADA point still stands.

>var x: i32 = 0;
why is every fucking language using this colon meme these days?
what's wrong with just a simple i32 x = 0;

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>nobody will ever use that
>nobody uses it anymore
Choose one

Also COBOL, Ada, Perl, all have one task that they can still solve better than any other languages, and it’s a fact that there are still people using all of them and paying the bills with them even if they are not popular. Trannies languages (including Perl 6) don’t stand a chance

New languages are designed for parsers. Everything must have a keyword because context is hard for dumb machines.

It’s Smalltalk legacy. It was a language better than C that didn’t take off for many reasons. Trannies still seething

I think its the love of the implicit types. They are too lazy to change the keyword before the identifier.
int num = 32
Float num = 32
The identifiers don't line up.
var num: i32 = 32;
var num: f32 = 32;

Its just nerds being autistic.
People use rust and the new meme languages it's just a niche. Its just like their was a niche for perl and a niche for ruby. In 20 years only a small amount of people will use ruby like perl it had a popular period same with rust, and what is going to be the same for carbon. Then people will stop using it because no one will adopt it or be willing to learn their weird syntax and everything will go back to normal until the next meme language.

Perl, ruby and rust belong to a category that tranny languages don’t belong to. Rust does certain kind of memory safety better than c that’s why people use it, ruby had a great web framework, now surpassed by js

Btw perl is the only relevant designed postmodern language and I really mean it. It’s not dead, he gives the few that master it superpowers . It’s also the language of the NSA