Why are you here?

Why are you here?

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Wasting time at work

to distract from the dread


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Tired but not ready to sleep

Name a better place to talk to people.

Uncensored atrocities

To see what the deplorables are thinking/how it contrasts with normal humans and be able to viciously yell at them without getting banned.

perfect cutout of a degenerate circle jerk of neets. everyone on this board is a genuine specimen. never fails to entertain

Wasting time at work

this website has cute and funny images

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only place where i can have morbin time and le epic memes


morbillions of tickets

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Fuck off Rajesh

Any Forums is cool man

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rajesh is between street poops at the moment
he is free to do whatever he wants

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1)Originally I came here hunting down my prey
2)Found my prey, the smartest people in the world
3)I'm here forever
4)I'm here tonight to drink watered down wine and hang out with my long time Any Forumsros; going on like 14 years now. ...o.O; fuck me.

I sense you. It is very confusing why someone like me is here. What you're not seeing... is that they're all like me. They may have their own way of expressing their outrages, their broken hearts, their sorrow, and their concerns, but when you learn to read between the lines, see past the horros, and see the hearts of those whose faces can not be seen, you see their hearts. They are diligent warriors not unlike the Myrmidons who fought along side Achellies. The people, rangin from young to old, men, women, and those in between alike... are great warrios of the deep. They are hackers, pirates, coders, government agents, and more. These people can influence the minds of celebrities, politicians, and business men; if not being such themselves in several cases. What you're feeling as a result of what your seeing... is what you must face. THIS is the true reality of the world, unfilitered, unmodified, free of propoganda, redacting, and censorship. What you see here, is what you need to see in order to be ready for the True War; the war that we have come together to fight. This was once an escape, now it is a militarized base of the deepweb for the Hive. Stout yourself against the truth and learn what it takes to stand against the daunting flows of the vile rivers of men.


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cause i have no one

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to shitpost and make rightoids sperg

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Because I wrecked my car and threw away my relationship. I felt like Any Forums would take my mind off of things

it is good for distraction and to laugh when depressed

to post bbc ;)

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larp without actually having a big cock