Give me your best red pill. What is the truth?

Give me your best red pill. What is the truth?

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The matrix is true.

beef jerky is supremely overpriced

Matrix is made my Jew tranny to be consumed by western simpltons

Gus is amo.

That all of this “red pill” stuff is nonsense. It is built on a fantasy that you can be one of only a few people on freaking Any Forums who knows what’s really going on while everyone else is brainwashed. But reality is much more boring than this.

my wife does not love me anymore

When it comes to what exactly? Global elites killing the goyim? Because that's all very true

America's 2 party system is a sham. Democrats and Republicans all live the same lifestyle, go to the same social events and their kids all go to the same schools.

There are some outliers of course. People cannibalized by their own party like Bernie and AoC. But it's because they're an actual threat to the status quo.

They could ruin the grift, which is, while we bicker amongst ourselves about meager differences, they're constantly misappropriating funds, making insider deals and otherwise fucking the entire country over.

Ad Infinitum.

No, it’s not true. It is fun to hate on different groups of people who are different than you, it’s in our biology. In fact, both major parties are built on hate: the Democrats are built on hatred for the rich while the Republicans are built on hatred for different ethnic groups and cultures. Both political parties exploit your biological predisposition and the pleasure you derive to hate on other groups of people. Conspiracy theories the Internet work the same way in that they exploit many of the worst parts of your biology and natural instincts as a human.

>it's all a conspiracy says the jew

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Niggers are a cancer which will wipe out every human unless we have them all killed

The vast majority of people don't have the least bit of interest in understanding pronoun/gender bullshit. There's just a small vocal group that will try to cancel people, so you have to tolerate this kind of mental illness. It's very curious to me how leaders don't just dismiss this bullshit, and say - no, we aren't going to do anything - we support our employee / actor / etc, and you can just go fuck yourself; it should be the standard response.

>shut up goy stop noticing things

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Most people have average intelligence...except people here on /b

>niggers aren't violent there's no differences in the races at all

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It is true that while people are making up a declining percentage of our population, for the simple fact that white people are not giving birth or immigrating at the same rate as other races. However, non-whites will contribute a lot to our economy and we shouldn’t be afraid of them. They will do all of the dirty work that you do not to do, so welcome them.

>However, non-whites will contribute a lot to our economy and we shouldn’t be afraid of them. They will do all of the dirty work that you do not to do, so welcome them.
Damn you really had me user. Well played.

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>The entire world is ran by the mafia and the Jews. They invented credit cards. The entire credit system etc.
>You can get out of paying child support in a few easy steps, but you can't be in arrears. File an injunction that they're administrating your property without your consent, using your social security number as a means of identification without your consent, and that it's causing you harm loss and injury.
>File your status and standing and never argue with a cop at the side of the road. Always wait until last in court. "Your honor I would like to wait until last because I have evidence against my ticket" "I was not operating in commercial capacity therefore I was not driving" look up the legal definition for driving. 'and' is the most powerful legal term you'll ever learn. Let the cop pull you over and don't argue just be nice. It's just a ticket.
>Back to status and standing, when you file it, if you agree to pay taxes you have no standing, so you say "I wish, demand, and desire to be exempt because I don't stand with taxation without representation." You'll get every red cent back.
>To get out of paying mortgage, ask "who do I owe this money to?" Always ask who and when you go to court, demand to see the man or woman you owe debt to. A lawyer is an actor, demand to meet the man or woman you owe the money to. When they say they can't, ask the judge, "I would like this debt to be dismissed because I have yet to meet the man or woman I'm in contract with"
You have not because you ask not.

Actually, we need less political polarization and not more. If you want to fulfill your biological needs to be a part of a good fight, find a sports team to root for. Public policy is a more serious matter and there needs to be as much common ground and bipartisanship as possible.

They don't want you dead. They want you servile enough to work for next to nothing. They don't "hate white people" they aren't capable of hate at all. The mass migration is simply to make everyone other than themselves poor and keep labor lower than what a slave would've cost to upkeep in the 1800s. Demographic replacement is just a side effect of this.