Which of these are the best to use?

Which of these are the best to use?

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-07-21 11-03-58.png (377x722, 75.97K)



Whatever works for you.
Preferably something minimal with no desktop by default and is thought of as a core OS these are typically Debian, Fedora, and Arch
Devuan and Artix are good if you also don't enjoy systemD but for beginners you may not want to mess around with init systems yet since virtually every Linux guide is made for Ubuntu which is dependent on systems, please stay away from Ubuntu tho, anything else is typically fine.

Arch if you're okay with compiling some programs
Fedora if you want all your programs precompiled from official repos

Mint if it's your first time
Manjaro if you are comfortable with Mint
Arch if you know what you're doing

Let me guess, you need more.

what about Endeavour? Arch without the complicated install of Arch

I think arch is not complicated anymore because .iso contains a guided script.

archinstall has been a broken mess since day 1. I keep testing it in VMs and the last time I literally just left everything at default and it still shat itself somehow

How can such a simple script be broken?

fucking beats me, man

bro... never... NEVER listen to this website
I started with ubuntu like 13 years ago, then manjaro and my finall pill was Arch.
this means nothing, you should try it out by yourself, really.

Ubuntu LTS, openSUSE, Mint, Debian, maybe Fedora
everything else is a meme for retards

Ubuntu mint and debian are all the same thing.

[X]Ubuntu [MATE]

absolute retard take, Mint and Ubuntu are quite close, but calling Ubuntu and Debian the same thing is peak stupidity

Deb and Ubuntu are not even similar...

install gentoo


Why please?

mint doesn't support zionism so mint is king

Fedora or Debian. They just werk. Anything else and you're just gonna be spending time "fixing" it.