Abortion is murder

Abortion is murder

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It was women's revenge for being worthless holes in society.

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OP here guys, forgot to put "not" before murder.

Murder is a legally defined criminal offence:
▸ harvesting wheat and making bread out of it isn't murder, even if You think it is;
▸ taking a pig to the abattoir and killing it to make pork chops isn't murder, even if You think it is;
▸ stamping on a cockroach isn't murder, even if you thing it is;
▸ aborting an unviable fetus isn't murder, even if You think it is


aborting babies is as satisfying as popping the bubbles from that plastic wrapping. they both make simmilar sounds

>Abortion is murder
Yes, let's not beat around the bush, it is.
But at the same time I think it should be legal up to a certain point.

1 trimester: Fine
2 trimester: Exceptional circumstances
3 trimester: No.

Anyone illegally performing an abortion should be charged with murder.

fapping is murder

So is not fapping.

the great paradox

Yes, but anti-abortion law didn't do shit.

So is shooting a home intruder. And I still wouldn’t be sorry for doing it. The world already has too many humans

Not according to this idiot, lol

I am pro abortion then

you should have been aborted


Do making laws against something now suddenly and magically make that thing not happen anymore? If it does, let's pass some gun control laws so we can stop crime 100%.

If you are preggers and you don't want the kid. Then kill yourself, problem solved.

There's more potential in a baby than in you.

Babies are worth more than you.

You old fuck.


I agree, however I'm pro-death so I support it BECAUSE it's murder. Lower the carbon footprint, kill unborn unwanted children


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True, but...

Love, stay alive, You are made in the image of God.

>le edgy
Do you still cry when you're in bed alone every night or have you accepted your fate?

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