How much time does it have left before being killed by chrome and edge?

How much time does it have left before being killed by chrome and edge?

Attached: Firefox_logo,_2019.svg.png (1200x1247, 391.05K)

posting in a bot thread

Just use Brave

It's already dead.

Two more weeks

>chrome and chrome

It won't ever be completely dead. Gecko-based browsers will always live on in many different forms, and I'll continue to use them until I'm murdered by law enforcement niggers or die of high blood pressure. Why? Because there is nothing more pozzed than cucking yourself out to globohomo spyware corporations like Jewgle and Microcock.

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Chrome's tanks are 30 mins away

Google will subsidize Moz for cover just like Microsoft uplifted Apple back in the late 90s

Based and same.

Imagine using the retarded shit that is chrome instead of the better web browser Firefox

>Hello, based department. You guys won't believe this one.

Attached: 1653198054071.jpg (500x500, 37.68K)

sorry, fire-what?
oh yeah i remember that thing. it was popular around at the same time as internet explorer 6

Attached: f.png (1231x802, 255.24K)

change it to desktop only
mobile browsers are all shit

it's been dead for a while user, no one (in a population that would be significant), with the new management team - especially the CEO - being blatant looters.

^no one cares for it*

maybe, but mobile traffic accounts for more than half of all internet traffic now. switching the data to desktop only is cherrypicking.

also, who gives a fuck about
which together account for over half the population

Chrome is the new Internet Explorer. It's doing the whole embrace, extend, and extinguish thing with various standards.

I wish Google would be outlawed and every Google engineer imprisoned and sent to Guantanamo Bay.

It'll never get killed. Google would get sued for browser monopoly if it died. That's why they're funding pozzilla.

Until I can use i2p on tor firefox wont be going anywhere. Cope glow niggers.

This is the only correct answer. Firefox can't exist without Google's money.