What will happen tomorrow?

What will happen tomorrow?

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god I wish that bed was me

Heard victory because while she was abusive she was also abused. And that's the whole point of the case. It's also why Depp lost in the uk.

> More Amber Turd horror stories
> Read straight out a movie plot
> Cross Examination begins
> "So Ms Heard..."
> Sustained
> "When you said.,..."
> "Fuck it. We call Kate Moss to debunk her bullshit instead."

Johnys lawyers will destroy her tomorrow

This faggot will be on the news

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She poops on YOUR bed.

Amber will cry again on the stand sounding kinda retarded and Johnny will smirk when she mentions his drug use and psychotic behavior.

Some LA fag who claimed to be close to the case suggested a mistrial will occur with someone being arrested for tampering with the evidence or some shit, but it won't be either Amber or Johnny.

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no 1919

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Depp's already won the public because Amber has been exposed for who she really is (or isn't) she is fucking empty shell like Depp said. Amber's likely going to win the case because she's used a tactic where johnnie can't defend himself, being the sexual assault allegation.

In cases of allegations of sexual assault, where there's no witnesses, it is basically assumed that the victim is telling the truth. She pulled that allegation out of her ass because she knows that is the only option for her and it's virtually impossible to lose a case for sexual assault in the modern world.

She went to a sword fight and pulled out a machine gun... So she wins, but the public will hate her even more.

The best thing Amber could have done for herself career wise would have been just admit to the disorders that Dr. Curry said she had and been remorseful and apologetic to Depp. All she had done is wrecked her own career and Depp's career.

why do normies care so much about retarded celebs?

Panem et circenses

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I've never seen any of their movies and don't give a shit about them personally at all, but I am following this because it's interesting seeing a system designed to fuck over men on display for everyone to see.

Nothing because they have entered the Frozone bitch.

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her withered cunt and fake tears are no match for his lawyers, she will most likely prostitute her old cunt pussy and sell the dvds in service stations just so she can pay her legal bill

are you not
a time traveller?
> that's a first!

what the fuck are you talking about

and you?

who fucking cares

>heard will lose
>deppfags will rejoice
>In a month Depp will be found dead of a drug overdose

Steel cage match

fuck em both. they are both horrible people.

Marcus Aurelius was a fag pedo who fucked little boys.

Who cares