Software Dev, 200K+ salary

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which languages do you use?

Play any good indie games lately?

Could get a decent job only having learned Python? Do you work from home?

Im currently learning JavaScript. Where should I go from here?

c# backend
angular/react front
nah. I played that monkey evolution game in ps4, not sure if it counts as indie

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Bullshit. That's the language he uses.

yeah, phyton has bunch of jobs but not sure how much they pay. Been working from home since jan 2020
typescript. And front end tech like angular/react etc


Chicken plant quality assurance supervisor
measly 75k in southern usa

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What's a good way to get into Programming? I've been looking into it as it seems very cool.

that's not bad man, 200 is in aud
I learned it in C but javascript is probably easier these days. If you haven't done anything before, javascript could be an intro. It has some weird rules but plenty of examples. Search tic tac toe game in javasccript for example and learn the code, advance from there

based, thank you user

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How long would it take to be good enough to get a job starting from nothing? Java or Python.

That's up to you, how fast you can learn. But 6 months min I'd say. You'll learn to fake your way too. I lied on my cv and many job interviews, then I learned on the job. That makes it faster. If you trust yourself you can learn on the job, then fake it

im good at qbasic, & willing to take less than 200k

when I started I was making 30-40, it goes up. qbasic jobs would probably start at 3.50 though.

Sounds good. I need a new job since i've never known what to do for a career and thinking of learning coding. Thanks.

3.5k or $3.50? lol

How do I get a job in tech with a geology degree?

soo many online resources. If it's not for you, you'll find out pretty quick but start simple
$3.50 man but you might get lucky if there's some 30 year old app that needs new features. Doubtful though. Move to
No idea but there are some