VR Porn - the next big thing?

How does it compare to the standard TV/monitor porn?

Clips nowadays have 8k resolution and 3D audio, just sayin'

Attached: index.jpg (318x159, 7.93K)

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You can look around

I have peak VR (Valve Index) and its okay, not mid blowing quite yet but its getting there

I haven't found an 8k live-action video that interests me, but the clarity of 8k 3DCG porn is pretty incredible; shame those don't seem to be more than a looped animation

VR porn is nowhere near as convenient as normal porn so, no it won't be the next big thing.

Its not that good. Honestly per dollar value you'd get more for a sex toy

that's not VR.
in actual VR you can walk around.
your glorified 180º 3D videos are not VR.

why's that a choice you have to make?
are you too retarded to use a onahole while wearing a VR headset?

It ain't beating pussy lmao

I have one that you put your phone in but every time I jerk off, the positioning gets out of sync or something and it starts shifting to one direction.

Can I blast cum into lolis in VR yet

No I have both. VR porn just isnt very good, it takes time to setup and overall just sucks.

It doesn't take me any time at all to setup VR porn

Makes my cooms feel 2.5 times better

they day I get vr is the day I get koikatsu again which will be the day I cum so hard the universe restarts

I’m not interested in it at all and the fact that a technology that is supposed to improve humanity is instead being used mainly for porn and coomer shit has completely turned me off from vr.

Where do you find those? Been looking everywhere

Clips? Nah, those get boring quickly.

Software like Blender, Virtamate, othe Jap games?

Now those are the future.


the appeal of porn is how easy and habit forming it is
VR porn is just too much work for the worthlessness that male sexuality is
until we are free of male sexuality all additional pornographic developments are all worthless

I've just been downloading these