Wage slave bros we got too cocky

Wage slave bros we got too cocky

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No personal wealth and the barter system

Fuck you, I like my Legos

KYS i almost killed myself and then i almost died from being forced to not do anything. most boring shit of my life this "me time". shouldve gone to catholic school - you WILL have fun when its lunch or break time you WILL learn how to take a break and do nothing and youre not allowed to do anything till you do. worst time ever, really took me back

its always you types of people to be saying shit like this

its not viable to have a person WORK for 150 days out of the year. for many reasons. if anyone wants to tell me what they "wage slave bros" would like then seriously, fucking enlighten me. but you people dont make sense at all, youre weirdos, and for the twitter person: it wouldnt make sense to work 150 days (half a year) then have a year off, then at the start of next year have to resume. thats fucking retarded

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things to do for 360-150 years:
>smoke weed
>drink alcohol
>waste time like play video games or post on Any Forums
>go to the seaside
>things (and all of ^ are too) that are finite and would run out like how work does

dumb bitch

you also live a much better life that is propped up by engineering and technology that requires people to actually work. if you want to ride your horse to go foraging for berries for dinner, we can go back to that shit. if not, shut the fuck up and embrace being a useful member of society

150 days working for the church or government etc (unpaid). The rest of the year was tending to their farms, crops etc. IE: meeting their own basic needs on their own.

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I'm investing in crypto.

Gonna quit my job in 3 years.

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i hope it works out for you though and remember to bee yourself if you do make it and also have fun

with only having to work 150 days a year people do shit like "play with legos" or "invest in crypto"

>accepting 'facts' from a nigger
sure thing buddy

Yes, and you generally worked about twice as long and had literally nothing to do on your time off

They also didn't have to deal with blacks whining about being eternal victims, Affirmative action or niggers stealing their shit.

Medieval peasants also died of the plague and had no good porn

You choose how when and why you work instead of being a serf where you are required to follow the whims of the Lord you clueless fucking nigger.

Good luck with that, if the government continues acting on its angry drug laws they will keep taking down online drug markets ruining the price of crypto.

Yeah ill take 9-5 year round and enjoy my wealth over 150 days of doing slave labor for a piece of bread.

I swear to god niggers need to relearn what it is to be a slave.

we get holidays off and 5 weeks of vaca... i just bought a varatable castle and i dont share a barn with my extended family. what is this stupid bitch on about?

im not user but you're a fucking retard, honestly.

Drug laws ? Seriously? this is what the average moron thinks ?

Look at the stock market and look at the crypto market, they are clearly correlated.

Good luck, buying now, or waiting and buying more is a good way to make more on crypto.
Enjoy. I only got 10k in cardano.

>we get holidays off
Speak for yourself.
>5 weeks of vaca
Holy entitlement. I'm jealous.