Mommy, I am cold

Mommy, I am cold.
Mommy, those few weeks I spent in your womb were truly great.
Mommy, enjoy the parties and the vacations.
Mommy, don't forget me.
Mommy, I will be waiting for you in the other world.

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wtf is this

Apparently user never took out a life insurance policy for their unborn child.

better to kill it before it's born than send it off to the state to be raped for 18 years, then have it kill itself.

is it wrong i couldn't care less about pro choise or not

I do think people should be given an option to do what they want and government should back off. I would even allow euthanisia

christians are sick people they are okay with bombing brown children miles away but get up set over abortinon

lol its fake. its facebook tier shit that is now being posted here and actually fooling mentally retarded fucks.

Attached: this_again.jpg (460x500, 42.73K)

Leftist dystopia. Don't worry though, once we are power we will get all the records of women who murdered their babies and expose them to the justice system.

Haha he looks like he's about to bust into apacalla

>Mommy, enjoy the parties and the vacations
Will do you ugly uninvited parasite. Never allowing you to fuck up my body with childbirth

Shut up user you sound retarded.

Murder of unborn children disguised as either "women's health" or "sexual health" and the myth of "my body, my choice" when the reality is, it's not her body, its her child's body.

Its one thing where it's just a clot, another entirely when the child is fully formed.

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thanks for explaining. but ig its ok cuz the baby probably wont feel pain. right?

Does it matter? I've heard the more it hurts the tastier it is.

Yeah but like... did anyone ask if that uterus wanted to be born?
>I didn't think so. Check mate.

Pardon my Xbox Live language, but what the fuck?

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Nice strawman, faggit

nigger, this shit happens every day. and liberals are FUMING that some of us think this shit shouldn't happen.

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>i couldn't care less about pro choice or not
>i think people should be given an option

Congratulations, you are pro-choice

couldn't speak, never had a thought, never saw a sight, never was on Any Forums. It ain't missing anything

For some reason that pic made me hungry