Prostitution thread. Experience, stories ect. I spend about $800.00 monthly. AMA

Prostitution thread. Experience, stories ect. I spend about $800.00 monthly. AMA

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How many STDs have you contracted so far?

800 monthly? High end escort of a couple of trashy street walkers?
I am waiting to get more money to fuck another hooker. I'd rather get sex from a hooker than a whore


She's a regular. Not high end. Maybe a 7

what's the dif between a hooker and a whore

Hooker? Outright transaction, no pretense of love, doesnt play games and actually fucks you for a fee.
Modern day woman (whore)
Sleeps around all throughout her early to mid 20s, treats "love and relationships" as a transaction, wont fuck you if youre not over 6 feets, ripped and this conglomerate of 5 supermen and their best features with none of their features, often times a white and privileged class of people that live real nice and comfortable lives, and plays games more than a fat nerd in the 90s in an arcade. Wont fuck you unless you are willing to spend crazy amounts of money buying her gucci and other brand names but still wants to find a way to not fuck you. Takes and never gives.


I literally rent a local girl for a 5 days sailing trip in Greece couple of years ago. Paid 100$/day, she spent her days on the boat most of the time naked. Was with 2 friends, she was kind of sucking our cocks on demand, she fucked with the 3 of us as well without any extra money.

Nah sorry. I promised I wouldn't. She let's me take all the pics I want though.

Not bad. Can you describe her?

>Nah sorry. I promised I wouldn't. She let's me take all the pics I want though.
yeah, that's not true. otherwise you would've showed something. source: this is /b

Most hookers dont like recording or taking face pics.

noone asked for face pics

Ask OP. Im not him

I like the younger ones < 25 on sugar sites
Most are relatively "new" and looking for help
with college fees. A few want a lot of money
but you can weed those out fast plus you can
tell if you're working with a pro or not if they use
the familiar language. Usually get one going for
around 600 a month 3-5 meetups then switch
girls every few months. Gave up on street and
web girls about 10 yrs ago after dumb games
and services would swap girls or addict strung
out junkies.

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Here you'd get an hour with a decent looking prostitute with that money, or two hours with ugly prostitutes. I make less than that a month.

So, no thanks.

white female five one inch slim built small tits fat booty
It's out of respect for her. She let's me take pics. I'm not going to break that trust

Any TS ones?

> I'm not going to break that trust
terrible larp

Nah but i did meat one at a bar. Still friends with her. Had sex a couple of times. 100% passable

Why is that? I'm not going to fuck up a good thing

What kind of bar can you find passable TS chicks at?

yes im pretty sure she monitors /b 24/7 for a faceless picture where you cannot identify a person. sure