I know I’m gonna regret asking you fags this...

I know I’m gonna regret asking you fags this, but what’s the best way of getting rid of depressive intrusive thoughts without getting myself drunk?

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Get high

Promise yourself you will think about nothing for 5 minutes or so and focus on your breath, if you do then don’t get rid of them, just acknowledge em gay thoughts.


eat good food
go clock in at work
get gf
get penta kill in league
draw blue-eyes white dragon

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Check out Dr. Rami Nader on YouTube. Great videos

>slonking gangweed
>helping with intrusive thoughts
yeah, ok retard

try reading something kind of boring that you like
history, the bible, finance stuff, whatever
also exercise, go for a walk, try to get in nature, trees and squirels and shit

- Don't ruminate
- Go for a walk
- Take vitamin D
- take Omega 3 fish oils

Yo do not drink. I'm a manic depressive alcoholic. It makes my episodes worse.

Isnt vitamin D in meat?

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sunlight & some fish products like oil etc

stop fighting them, if they make you feel like like crying then cry or weep just get it out of your system you’ll feel better, also try to schedule things throughout your day: vidya, tv, movie, books, shitposting, exercise, this will keep your mind distracted, also like other posters said try to eat healthy food, drink water, stop drinking soda and energy drinks

this; Sun = vitamin D = good for you

28 year old boomer here and i kek'd incredibly and audibly hard at this

your drinking is likely making it worse. i'm a high functioning alcoholic with low grade depression. i ended up getting medicated and it's working great and i cut back on drinking as well, but i know it doesn't help.

consider seeking some sort of professional help. i didn't like talk therapy when i tried it, but i'm thinking of trying it again. it's like dating--you gotta find the right therapist. finding a therapist i'm not way smarter than was a bit of a problem. but i've had good luck with the meds. either way, reach out and try to get some help. good luck.

take your vitamin D white bois

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so close
off by one

Work towards goals. I save money so I can fly to Thailand and fuck ladyboys all day everyday. Keeps me going.

Busy or occupy yourself.
Life is basically a battle to distract yourself from sad shit that only ends when you do.

Challenge them.

Literally act as though someone else was telling you those words a darfur against them. If your self esteem is low, pretend they're talking about someone else you reapect.

*and argue

Embrace them. Be like batman. Use them as a source of strength so you can maliciously beat up mentally ill people.