Fuck me...

Fuck me, the people at my job are investigating me because they believe I have been touching people inappropriately at work when it wasn't even that they were just in the way and wouldn't fucking move. Its fucking bullshit that they think that I'm some kind of pervert or some bullshit. Last time I work with such a fucking closed spaced job. Because they'll find any fucking thing to fire you for any reason.

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idk op sounds like you might have been touching people inappropriately

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OH WOW, maybe if they moved out of the way I wouldn't have to brush past their bodies because I'm trying to serve fucking customers. This is totally fair for them and unfair for me. Thanks buddy.

what the fuck do you want us to do Any Forumsrother. you didnt even say what kind of job you have

maybe you're just a handsy freak and this is your wake up call

Oh no, cry more

Kys creeper

concession dude, I don't want to touch anyone and now they are blaming me for something I didn't even fucking intend. Its totally fair that this is happening to me.

then don't touch people retard, use your words and ask people to move like a normal person

nobody likes to be touched
>especially by a creepy mongoloid neckbeard

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You don't even know if thats the case. How do you know he is at fault?

All it takes is one bitch. Most likely the one you wouldn't want to touch even if she offered.

> I have been touching people inappropriately at work when it wasn't even that they were just in the way and wouldn't fucking move.
> have to brush past their bodies because I'm trying to serve fucking customers. This is totally fair

OP pretty much acknowledges that he's a creepy pervert and he is being fired for molesting customers

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how so? There is no inclination that leads to that conclusion.

it's Any Forums. you think this guy is actually an upstanding citizen? half of this website is probably child molesters

Me and OP work at McDonald's together. About 10x a day he'll grab me by the cock and tell me to get out of his way. Also he'll actually say "nice dick bro". Anyways, that's why I reported him to HR

at least he was nice enough to lie to you about it. OP has touched a lot of penises


The true perverts ladies and gentlemen.

Did he say no homo?

Quit this job immediately and start looking for something new. Sorry your co-workers are faggots

at least some sense of thought process.
I'm gonna have to find another job somehow.

Here's the thing, I'm a total horndog. I fuck all the women at work. I don't understand how people like you even exist. Maybe you just didn't touch them good enough so it came off as creepy. Maybe stop whispering about how you want to wear their skin as you brush past them.

Seriously quit immediately so it's not on your record. Try the temp to hire job agencies

LMAO, coming from a fellow user, thats tough.

just tell them youre sorry and you will stop

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