Are macs just better for programming...

Are macs just better for programming? As a CS student who doesn't live in burgerland I want to know whether I'm making the right choice by switching to linux on my windows PC, or whether I should just buy a Mac instead. What are the advantages? Is it worth the price?

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it doesn't matter and you are clearly too stupid for CS.

You should use linux

Have you used Linux and gotten used to quality of life things you can’t have on a Mac (proper tiling, middle click to paste, good file manager, repositories)?
If not, then I wholeheartedly recommend a Mac. It’s basically a middle ground between the two, meaning that almost everything works out of the box and you have normal console utils.

Linux >>>>> Mac > Windows

Linux it is then. Man, if Linux is so much better, why do people pay money out the ass for a macbook? Like, is the hardware better? The software?

Only if you pretend to be an iOS developer, otherwise makes absolutely no difference.

why would you use a mac ?

They are NEETs, of course they'll suggest Linux. Go work any professional SWE job and everyone is using macs. Go to university and you'll see everyone is using macs.
I'm not saying it really matters, but a lot of programmers are using macs.

The final redpill is that it doesn’t matter. Good programmers abstract. The fundamental algorithm and data structure concepts do not change whether you do Mac or Windows.

That being said, any Linux-like environment is best for productivity IN MY OPINION.

Mac is in that category.

I like launching up a work environment in vim and compiling with Makefiles in the terminal.

That’s just me bro. You gotta find you.

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These are the based takes in this thread. Listen to them OP, use whatever makes you happier. Whoever shills for one side like spends too much time seething on Lithuanian icefishing boards to be good programmers.

Macs is can get you by if you just want to do web dev. But if you ever want to do lower level stuff you will have to find workarounds and if you can't you're fucked because macs are locked down.

> Linux it is
Depending on what you want to use, you may want to go with “kiddie” distro, such as Ubuntu.
Example: I require playwright for python to use TikTok python API. Installing it on arch or Fedora is a pain in the ass. Mac/Windows/Ubuntu -> no problems.

> why use Mac
Has some nice exclusive programs, very solid speakers and good battery life, fucking proper ARM on a laptop.
Also, if you love trackpad gestures and hate snapping/tiling, it probably has the best UI in the world.

Linux is better IF you about.computers, and are not a normie. If you are a normie, get a Mac.
Some people also cling to presumptions about Linux having, which might have been true in 2010, but absolutely is not now.
Linux in 2022 is amazing, and if OEMs started shipping Linux distros on laptops and shit, Windows would quickly lose market share

user, I am at uni, and the only people using Macs are the two coddled rich kids. Most of the others use Windows and the tech nerds use Linux.

> windows would lose market share
Lay off the koolaid, user. Last time I tried Linux on my girlfriends laptop (we were both in Uni at the time), it pretty much stopped at “user, where’s Adobe? I want to use Adobe, user. Also, DE looks like windows knockoff, so it must be sub par!”

You want to use adobe I want access to C, C++ and fortran libraries
Different priorities I guess

Sure thing buddy. I'm sure your (imaginary) gf said that

MacBooks are clothing, faggots only care about status. But in reality, its a consumers focused product, so it is well built and we'll design. Linux is community driven, generally speaking it means you do it yourself if you need, lots of rough edges and no unecessary niceties.
But on the development side of things this reality changes because apple does not focus on making the developer experience any better, quite the opposite. In reality, using Linux or macOS, you'll be using the very same tools. There's very little any operating system can do to improve your life as a developer, the best they can do is stay out of your way so it makes absolutely no difference what you use as long as it isn't windows.
But why people care so much about apple? Well, because they are faggots raised by single mothers and can only care about appearal

> you want to access C++ libs
Didn’t you start with “windows would quickly lose market share”? How fast you shifted.
> imaginary gf
Thanks for a chuckle.

Sounds about right based on my experience. What's wrong with windows though? I know it has a shit ton of bloatware, but I was considering installing a custom lite version without all of the bullshit. Is it a problem inherent to the OS?

You can get by with windows if you use WSL but for me WSL freezes half the time.

Console is shit, changing systemwide to latest powershell is complicated, PATHs are shit, slashes are to the wrong side, most console utils are sub par, while disks things is weird.