Unix timestamp in filenames are microseconds instead of milliseconds now

>unix timestamp in filenames are microseconds instead of milliseconds now
what are the implications of this?

Attached: 1540250571842.gif (500x345, 408.35K)

What the fuck they are
Saving OP's image is pic related
When did this happen?

Attached: 1639328309863.png (275x86, 2.33K)

just noticed today

1 second to 6 decimal places is way faster than a for loop.
cd reaction\ faces
for i in ./*.*; do mv "$i" $(date +%s%6N)\.${i##*.}; done

>what are the implications of this?
Much lower chance of hitting that stupid bug where if two people post images at the exact same time one of them gets overwritten.

while (file_exists($filename)) {
// Change the filename

why is everyone crying about this all of a sudden? is it a noatime thing?

Attached: Noa_Portrait.jpg (1137x1080, 185.55K)

That's an easter egg and it can be amusing.

It's always Noatime.

Attached: wtm11.jpg (345x372, 73.65K)

no, this is about ctime

Attached: 1634539777990.png (1280x720, 506.5K)

noa pls

this whole time i had no idea that's what that was

reduces collisions, that's it.

C time?

Attached: aff702bb09ae2e1f.png (400x400, 145.89K)

It was briefly nanoseconds. The obvious reason is to avoid name collisions but the real reason was to break scrapers

If a scraper is broken by this it's very stupid.

For example my old Beautiful Soup python script that parses raw HTML to download images from a thread still works without any modification

for fileinfo in soup.find_all("a", class_="fileThumb"):

image_link = "https:" + fileinfo.get("href")
filename = image_link.split("/")[-1]

Attached: sample-82bf3438a4980218e71fb8b171e7a5c7.jpg (722x1000, 112.86K)

For my scripts I use $(date + '%N')

that was a feature, not a bug

what are you talking about?

moooooooooooooooooooooootbros... it's literally over

Save any Any Forums image and look at the filename.

they're smaller