I'm new to programming, I've chosen C++ as my first language to learn. Where/How can i practice it?

I'm new to programming, I've chosen C++ as my first language to learn. Where/How can i practice it?

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On yourbckomptuetetrr

C++ have a higher learning curve compared to like Python and JavaScript for a beginner/self learner. I would say start with Py/Js and when you become familiar with basic programming concepts, switch to C++.

give up now

Py and JS teach bad programming habbits, I wouldn't recommend starting with these.

you can use a online c++ compiler if you don't want to install an ide for learning basic syntax. after I suggest installing visual studio.

like? I recently switched from python to cpp cause of uni so would be helpful to know about those pitfalls

Explain how a language can teach you bad habits when good habits are universal to all programming languages?

you should learn java instead sir

I’m sticking to cpp, thank you

Attached: 34D7E0CB-AC8F-4A0B-B006-A362F314C82B.jpg (1099x1099, 177.23K)

Did you read what i wrote? Online or not, a compiler alone won’t get me anywhere. I need shit to practice on

>I’m sticking to cpp
Based. That said, you will create a lot of bugs.
Get in the habit of running your programs and tests with valgrind.
As for learning the language... If I were learning it now I'd probably start with on of the Stroustrup books.
Make sure to read Effective C++ by Scott Meyers at some point.

Also, don't take too long to learn a second language alongside C++ (for all its warts I'd still recommend basic Bash if you don't know it already).

Thanks, I've already got some great sources and learning a lot already. But what I lack is practice. I've already found some websites that give you some problems to solve, but they easily get me bored..

>how a language can teach you bad habits
Because a language may be badly designed (hint: this is python's case)
>good habits are universal to all programming languages?
this isn't true

start with rust, it makes you feel like a god

All modern standards are bad habits you stupid nigger, if you aren't making almost everything in a single file in a single function with no paradigms, using C, and only reasonably making new files and functions, for function arrays or branches, you have been learned into a retarded pajeet nigger.

for fun problems.
The easier problems are mostly focused on IO while the later ones are more about data structures and algorithms.
The later ones can be quite hard and some problems can require quite a bit of code.
But they're generally pretty good for learning a new language.

You can also try
for more fun challenges but that might be a bit tough for a beginner.

There's also
but it's 100% math-centric and not as fun unless you're into that kind of stuff and you need at least a semi-solid math background for all but the most trivial of problems.

That said, I prefer books with exercises and I think at least some of the Stroustrup books have a few.

>I'm new to programming, I've chosen C++ as my first language to learn. Where/How can i practice it?


I'd give the opposite advice. Starting with a language that requires you to understand what's going on under the hood will make learning future languages much simpler. Every other language will seem trivial in comparison.

Thank you user, that's exactly what i needed!

modern style of putting fucking everything in its own file is ridiculous, ill grant you that.
but everything in a single function? fuck off lol
