Bro why don't you try Linux

>bro why don't you try Linux
I just want to use Microsoft Word okay

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i havent tried Linux yet either but whats wrong with LibreOffice Writer?

>dude let's just fuck up the entire document by copy pasting a paragraph
nice word processor bro

It’s fucking shit

office is on web literally what does it matter

how is it shit? ive written and turned in papers with it, even exported to .docx and it worked just fine. most colleges accept .odt format anyway


>.odt file
no shit, half of my customers can't open that thing

>not contributing to the very few alternatives
Then don't complain when microshaft pulls shit like neptune

it can export to .docx fucking moron. you cretin

tell that to my retard customers

I'm with you OP. Anyone who says the alternatives are just as good are legit retarded.

you have to save as docx, not them


and yet not one legitimate reason has been posed as to why its so much better. go figure. how that microsoft dick taste, white boy?

but word sucks ass
even latex is better and latex sucks

>I just want to use Microsoft Word okay
Said no one ever.

my fucking sides. these kinds of problems are the ones keeping you cretins shackled to microsoft?

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Not an industry standard. If you do relevant work, absolutely everybody else around you will use Microsoft Word. The thing is, Word documents will not be 100% identical in LibreOffice Writer, leading to compatibility problems (LibreOffice will mess with the page layout, footnotes, styles, etc., made by everyone else before).

Also you can’t select all footnotes at once with Writer. Too bad if you have a PhD thesis with over 2,000 footnotes.

>Word documents will not be 100% identical in LibreOffice Writer
ok, but will LibreOffice documents be 100% identical in Word? Seems like a small compromise to pay but ultimately not a big deal if the documents you're sending out look good in theirs

>Also you can’t select all footnotes at once with Writer. Too bad if you have a PhD thesis with over 2,000 footnotes
Well that sucks, why can't they update that? Sounds like it'd be easy enough

in my experience, wiritng a document in writer and exporting it to .docx is mostly fine, but opening a .docx document in writer often results in fuckups

has anyone been using Writer for editing pdfs? Im forced to use Adobe Architect at work, and i hate it with every fiber of my being.

>but opening a .docx document in writer often results in fuckups
is it so bad its unreadable? thats not so bad if you just need to deal with some formatting issues when collabing on documents with nonbelievers (wincucks)

and people think having a low market share is a problem.
leave shit eating retards to microshaft and shit eating faggots to crapple.

>will LibreOffice documents be 100% identical in Word?
In my experience, yes (?). The problem arises when you’re working on someone else’s Word document, as seen all the time in universities and big companies (and you won’t always understand how LibreOffice affects the existing document). Then you’re quickly identified as the uncooperative weirdo who fucks up all the documents because he’s not using Word.

so i guess the only solution then is to dual boot so you can switch back to Windows when working with normies?