It's cool to hate C++. Unfortunately, I don't care about being a cool kid. I will continue using C++

It's cool to hate C++. Unfortunately, I don't care about being a cool kid. I will continue using C++.

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I already saw this faggy reddit thread but for rust.

>integrating 3rd-party libraries is painful
Most obvious way to out yourself as a Visual Studio user. Embarrassing


RUST is winning because the logotype is better

Why do the fags complain about build system? It's better to let some specialized group develop it. We now have make, cmake, scons, meson, and whatnot. Some of them are multiplatform, and werks well.

I like C++

Attached: 1C01DE5B-F35B-4375-977F-85304CB24209.jpg (474x379, 21.31K)

You couldn't be cool even if you tried.

>Unfortunately, I don't care about being a cool kid. I will continue using C++.
The people who are "cool" for hating C++... are the people who hate it because they use it. Please continue using it. You will gain more experience with it, and learn not only why people complain, but also why Rust users froth at the mouth to shill it.

In most languages, resolving dependencies is part of the build system. So how do I, when writing C++, include in my build script that I want to download and build a dependency when it is not present on the user's computer? This should be completely independent of the user's operating system.

This is an absolute anti-pattern anyway (unironically).

So, here's the experience in .NET (probably same in JavaScript):

You type something and you use a class that is not recognized. The IDE will prompt you whether you want to automatically search on places like, it will then automatically download it and install it in your project.

What is the result of that practice? Baseddevs who have added hundreds of dependencies to every project.

In C++ you should realistically only depend on a few big libraries.

>In C++ you should realistically only depend on a few big libraries.
And you still have the problem of getting those libraries onto your user's computer.

maybe because all of your examples suck a giant dick
sometime around C++30 they will add a standardized project structure, but noone will use because C++ cannot add a single feature right from the start

>What is the result of that practice?
Specialized libraries that do one thing and do it great instead of jack-of-all-trades monoliths that do everything mediocre? A decentralized system for choosing best libraries to do X by the process of libraries for other things implementing interop support as their "vote"?
>Baseddevs who have added hundreds of dependencies to every project.
Oh no.... and? Why do you give a shit, are you losing a job as a professional linked list reimplementer because those evil libraries?
>no i'm different instead of having hundreds of dependencies that are actually used I badly reimplement half of them and import the other half, along with thousands upon thousands of other shit that I will never user, but it's bundled into "one" dependency so it's ok

>In C++ you should realistically only depend on a few big libraries
You're right. Not because "muh dependencee bad", but because dependency handling in C/++ is absolute shit and will quickly eat up all of your time. But you're trying to turn this cope into a rule. It's no a good rule.
There is ZERO technical arguments against many dependencies, only emotional ones:
>muh baseddevs, not me im so cool
and pragmatic ones:
>this language does it in a terrible way and it's not worth the trouble

>integrating 3rd-party libraries is so painful
GIT_TAG master
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} lib)

wew how difficult

meanwhile in real languages
>dep_name = "version"

Correct. The worst part of C++ is C. Still the most powerful modern language.

No, its cool to like C++. C++ is honestly kept alive on its cool factor. Its *reasonable* to hate C++.

same here, user. my dad taught me very basic C++ when i was 11 so we can program an arduino together. good times

C++ is objectively terrible, regardless of whether it's "cool" to hate it or not.

It's certainly harder than "import module".

It would be an anti-pattern if the language were expressive enough to allow you to implement what you need if it's not available. But Sepples can't even split a string.

Pragmatic arguments are technical arguments. If the language makes it painful to add external dependencies (and most importantly, it makes it hard to deploy those dependencies), then avoiding dependencies is a good technical choice.
