/fglt/ – Friendly Linux Thread

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B-but pacman works well and the AUR is excellent. Can I have it run on Xubuntu?

I won't run the script on either of the two.

How do i match any instances without () [] {} in regex?

That amount of fiddling you do to an Arch install is kinda exaggerated by some. The most amount you'll do is the initial install, and this is if you're doing a manual install. Shit like archinstall or EndeavourOS does this initial manual fiddling for you.

That's what I think I was trying to go for when I asked whether to install InstantOS or Artix. I'll look into that, thanks.

user, if it works well and you like the AUR, then I'm not sure what you're not liking about Arch.

You can just write a script that just does
for everything you want

>I won't run the script on either of the two.
You said you want to run xfce. As far as I know xfce has very good support on all major distros. Is your only concern xfce or did you choose artix as one of the option for some other reason?

Endeavour's pretty much no-fuss Arch. It's quite nice.
Only "bad" point of it is that the Arch logo doesn't appear anywhere because it's technically EndeavourOS, though there is a script out there that "archifies" an Endeavour install.

>I'm not sure what you're not liking about Arch
It's not that there's something I don't like about it, it's just that an Arch install gives you basically a command line and I'm not knowledgeable enough to know every single thing I'd need to install. If there was a pre-built Arch install with Xfce e.g. the way there's Xubuntu I'd gladly install it. I considered Artix and InstantOS because they're listed on the wiki.

I won't really be neofetching around, so that's not a problem.

That's why I put bad in quotes. It's a total nitpick.
Also when you install Endeavour, you can choose XFCE as your DE. So you're all good on that front.
It actually comes with a customized XFCE as it's default offline install DE, though you can uncheck the Endeavour theming for a stock XFCE experience.

I've just googled and noticed that EneavourOS is the successor of Antergos, which I've tried in the past, I think I'm going to go with it. Thanks to all the anons responding.

Yeah it is Antergos's direct successor. Hope you have a good time with it user.

>I'm not knowledgeable enough to know every single thing I'd need to install.
Y'know, I'll give you that, when I was starting out I wished there was an easier way to keep track of things like that, seems to run mostly on word of mouth. Always wondered whether there was some command you could run that would take a system, compare it to the default and then give you all the changes in a script or something.

The way I found out was watching people install Arch on Youtube, mostly EFLinux.

look at em go

lil flapper men sliding down to town


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The only "default" Arch install according to the wiki is base, base-devel, linux and linux-firmware.
The rest is your oyster to make whatever kind of Linux system you need, with small pointers to things like networking packages and filesystem utilities.

OK sorry, I'll rephrase;
Do the linux kernels that come with the majority of Debian or Ubuntu based distros hibernate by default?

They definitely do some sort of sleep that I don't tell it to, and have for about a decade now. I do not know if it sleep, hibernate, or something else. I am fairly certain it is doing more than just powering off the monitor though.

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Don't get me wrong, I like that and prefer to start from the basics when I'm building a system once I know what I want, but it's the difference between walking into a library knowing what book you want vs walking in and then standing around asking people nearby what the best books are.

It's easy enough to swap dotfiles to compare look and feel of programs once you have them, but surprisingly clunky to see different ideas FOR programs in the first place.

I use ytfzf for all my youtube-ing nowadays, it's great and I honestly can't remember how I learnt about it.


would work i guess, but you're gonna get null groups so be aware of that.

ytfzf is pretty cool for terminal youtubing. I also like FreeTube when it comes to GUI ways.

I'm fairly confident that it's going to be systemd handling timings, kernels only provide functionality but will never automatically run anything like that.

cat /etc/systemd/sleep.conf

what file system should I use for /boot
any issue with making /boot 1GB?

/boot can be basically any size you want, though it's usually recommended to make it 512MB. You can make it 1GB if you want though.
If it's a UEFI system, the /boot needs to be FAT32. If it's MBR, it can be EXT4 like the rest of the root.

the systems I am referring to this happening on do not all use systemd.
and this happens on all my barebones installs (for example, devuan net-install with icewm, no login-manager)

This has been the case for me for dozens of installs on dozens of computers. However, the distros I used were all Debian or Ubuntu based; Devuan, Mint, various *Buntus, the new crunchbang one.

I am convinced it is done thru some kernel option

>If it's a UEFI system, the /boot needs to be FAT32.
are you sure? my system is UEFI like all new systems. arch wiki says I can either give /boot its own partition or just have it be a directory on /root. If it was just a directory on /root than yeah it would be /ext4. So why couldn't it be /ext4 on its own partition?

what's really the difference between different distros?
the differences between arch and devuan i see are: repo freshness, package manager, bloatness, init system. Is that all? That sounds stupid. It's the same thing.

Just picked it up the 2015 cersion for 6$. Good for a linux noob?

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