What is the problem with unrel engine?

What is the problem with unrel engine?
People say oh I don't like unity I'll use Godot, no I'll use monogames, no I'll use huh...
How about you stop wasting time?

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>People say oh I don't like unity I'll use Godot, no I'll use monogames, no I'll use huh...
people that don't "like" unity, and use far more cancerous solutions are not programmers of any kind, nor have any interest in video game development. they are script kiddies that are unable to learn anything complex.

You guys say that and you don't provide a realistic alternative. Hint there isn't a realistic alternative I've looked. Even ogre3d by itself will make you wanna ky

>realistic alternative
oh? you want realistic. i'll give to you: stop being a lazy and incompetent fucking faggot and learn how to use engines that most game developers use.
> b..but..it's difficult
and you'll forever remain a dumbfuck moron if you don't learn. unreal, unity are not difficult to learn. nobody takes games made in godot or other shit seriously - AT ALL. you need to get good and stop crying. looking for lesser alternatives that are not even on the same level as unity or unreal is literally a game for dumbfuck morons that refuse to learn.

Inreal has insane compile times and is really only useful for 3d games (not an indie dev's strongsuit)

unreal handles 2d games perfectly fine. you can build anything you want with it.

Yeah but it rarely gets any support and the tutorials are lacking

You can do 2d in whatever you want. I'm talking about 3d and unreal is the only option. Even if you wanted to do something fancy like procedural generated maps or custom physics, which is very rare you'd need to mod the physics to that extent, there's the source code faggot.

Because people realize modeling is hard and not just draw in MS paint to make a cool gun. Unreal is super great but you need actual skill to create something that isn't stock assets.

Unity/godot/etc have thousands of assets that are easy to steal-I mean copy-I mean import with 0 effort. So people flock to least skilled thing

Meh, I am not making AAA games. Don't need Unreal for my crap 2D games.

ynreal had broken shit foryears not fixed and riot was laughing saying we dont care we made fortnite. then they found out almost every one is a leacher and not paying anything and fortnite cost money to run

the end results can look nice but not every one is C++ savy enough to use that shit in a semi broken state and code around the nonsense

It forces you to sign a contract which forces you to tell Epic about any and all earnings your game has and if it's above a certain threshold you're supposed to give them a cut of your money. So it's literally the most retarded choice for a game engine. Nobody should ever agree to this shit, especially if you're a company. If using a half-baked engine like Godot means you'll avoid Epic's retardation then so be it. Just use Godot. It won't lock you into retarded EULAs and you'll actually be independent.

unreal devs are coping hard itt

How much are they paying? how do I susbcribe to the Epic Games shill program?

its' blueprint system is quite nice

They use unity to own le capitalists
They use godot because they want to be real programmers and want to improve the engine
Unreal is the best, it has some C involved if you are good but midwits can use it

I'm a midwit without time so i'm using unreal

It's generic as fuck. I can tell any game that was made with this garbage from a mile and they all look the same. Horrible TAA, horrible asset streaming issues, have to use sepples or a babies block builder etc. Any dev who has some self respect would avoid it.

The question is your goal to make a game or be a humongous faggot not if you're a midwit a retard or a genius

>The question is your goal to make a game
If it is then just unreal.

>don't have a pipeline for custom shaders

It does, it's called the materials layer

it does not, that's not a custom shader and it runs the default performance consuming PBR by default from the back anyway