/emg/ - Emacs and Lisp general

Tewi edition.

>General Emacs resources
gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/emacs.html (GNU Emacs Manual)
emacswiki.org (Emacs Wiki)
github.com/emacs-tw/awesome-emacs (Big list of packages)
github.com/thinkhuman/writingwithemacs (Tips for prose writing in Emacs)

C-h t (Interactive Tutorial)
gnu.org/software/emacs/tour (GNU Emacs Tour)
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX2044Ew-UVVv31a0-Qn3dA6Sd_-NyA1n (General Introduction)
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVtKhBrRV_ZkPnBtt_TD1Cs9PJlU0IIdE (Org Mode)
youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8Bwba5vnQK14z96Gil86pLMDO2GnOhQ6 (Advanced Configuration)

>(Self) Documentation
C-h k (Keybinds)
C-h o (Functions and Variables)
C-h i (Assorted Manuals)

>Premade Configs
=Make your own=
github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/tree/develop (Doom Emacs)
github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs (Spacemacs (heavy))
github.com/snackon/Witchmacs (Witchmacs)

>Reduce Startup Time
use-package defer
pastebin.com/mrPsnUas (Disable GC during startup)
emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsAsDaemon (Emacs as Daemon)
akrl.sdf.org/gccemacs.html (Native Compilation, stable, merged into Emacs 28)

>Changing Default Keybinds

>Programming resources for Emacs Lisp, Common Lisp, Scheme and Clojure:
If there seems to be a bug (or complicated issue), anons may ask you to compose an MWE (minimum working example).
To create an MWE, try the following:
1) start emacs with "emacs -q". This disables your init.
2) try to reproduce your issue with as few settings changed and packages (manually) loaded as possible.
These steps ensure that other anons can replicate your problem if it's something more involved. Sometimes you even find the cause yourself this way, too!

Previous thread:

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GNU Guile.

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>eval's your apply

i want to use cl-ncurses and it loads on portacle but there i cant actually use it sice slime and shell in emacs are not real terminals (i think) and so i try to use powershell but there it doesnt load the .dll because its not a valid win32 application. wtf do i do

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Install Gentoo


Lisp is not perfect, but the criticism it gets is usually for completely retarded reasons that are often not even true.

Lisp is perfect.


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I'm fully aware that the benefits of garbage collection often outweight the costs, despite autistic nocoders claiming the opposite, but is there some way to manage memory manually in Lisp? Is there at least some obscure dialect which lets you do it?

I have a problem with emacsql for org-roam. It's not able to find it for org-roam.
I wrote this in my config:
(use-package emacsql-emacsqlite
:defer t
:ensure nil)
(setq emacsql-sqlite-executable (executable-find "emacsql-emacsqlite")
When I include the last line it shows me " wrong type argument: stringp, nil" when I try to use org-roam
Also when I execute the executable-find line it shows me nil. Even though I can see emacsql in my package list.
When the last line is deleted it shows me emacsqo binary is unavailable.
Can someone help me out?

I forgot to add that I use guix.
Just in case. I did emacs-emacsql (installed it from guix too) but it's bot finding it

I wish tewi would do that to my snake

a lot of criticism is tard cope but tbqh i think there is some credence to paren soup. ergonomics are a real thing and even mccarthy knew this (m-exprs). lisp is annoying to read/write outside of emacs, or one of those expensive commercial packages, which repels a lot of people.
at the same time there are total garbo languages like python that become ubiquitous simply because they are comfortable to read, so much so that there's even a lisp that compiles to python AST to make use of its colossal ecosystem.
i'm pretty much used to it but i'll freely admit it takes time

>not a real terminal
*whispers* swank

hello, i need a function which returns first character in the current line (where the cursor is). running M-x get-first-character shows error "Wrong number of arguments: (1 . 1), 0". ive learnt it means my function expects exactly 1 argument, but isnt getting any. i dont know why would it do that and how to fix it. could anyone help me?

(defun get-first-character ()
(substring (write-to-string what-cursor-position) 7 8))

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honestly if you put the closing parantheses on their own lines it's not so bad

KYS pedo

You've basically got it
(defun get-first-char ()
(string (char-after (point)))))

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