Old software that you still use because "it just werks"

On a daily basis, I use these despite the alternatives:

>Sumatra PDF

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Jesus christ, just switch to 7zip already.

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I tried, but I didn't like it so I stick to what I know. I have already completed university, I don't want to learn, or re-learn anything.

I think theres something to be said about "just werks" and software. We generally try to stay 'current' but I think with software, you can just use whatever.

>learn fucking 7zip

>I don't want to learn
Enjoy your brain rot

I bet you enjoy doing tests during interviews. Quite frankly, a university degree is a sign that you don't need to do any more tests.

>WinHTTrack Website Copier

At least I'll have a functioning brain in old age. But go on, let yourself become a living zombie if you insist. Not my problem.

old idk but

>core temp

I hated AIMP's shift from AIMP3 to flatshit AIMP4 and refused to "upgrade".

I still have Inkscape 0.48 and 0.92 (which I don't use, in favor of 0.48) installed on my computer. I have no idea what it's like now.

I still use Waterfox (Classic, but without the potential spyware updates) cuz muh xul addons.

It just werks.
There is nothing free and better than sumatrapdf. You will soon download wine just to use sumatrapdf.

Borland Paradox

And what, exactly, would you be using instead?
It's not a choice when there's no other option.

>user can't figure out how to right click a file and select 'unzip'

>old software that you still use because
I'm using Debian, so...

Notepad++ for note taking

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My two cents, and I haven't explored all the features, but this module will let you list the files in the MFT.

Install-Module -Name PowerForensics -Repository psgallery
$mft = Get-ForensicFileRecord


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