What's the best way to extend/duplicate my pc to a tv wirelessly?

what's the best way to extend/duplicate my pc to a tv wirelessly?

Attached: jvc_fire_tv_edition_0-1662660021.jpg (5000x2813, 1.56M)

teradek bolt

get a tv with wifi connection capabilities

ok and then what?

I think, I THINK, you need chrome cast or something along the lines. I was never able to make it work otherwise. Or buy an n-meters long hdmi and bust your butt to work it around the house ;) solution in link

airplay :)

didnt kodi have sftp plugins for that exact purpose so you can stream from your nas

Your desktop doesn't move, your TV doesn't move, just route an HDMI cable between the two
If it's too far to connect via a cord it's likely that beaming video to it would be crap since the signal would be too weak anyway

should be ok if they're in the same room no?
I just don't want to lay ~12ft of hdmi cable all along the wall


Airplay, you can extend the desktop or mirror it.

If not on MacOS, then just get a long HDMI cable.

Wireless DisplayLink

im in a similar position, shopping for a 50in and up smart TV. i dont need to replicate 1440P/140hz, at least 1440p/60FPS is good enough so looking through cheap LEDs with windows 10 wireless screen compatibility to use iver my wifi. not sure if this is good idea living with room mates.

cant make a decision, i'm seeing TVs with 25% off *limited time offer* but shitty reviews saying the screen dies within the first weeks/months of use.

Attached: 1655268440684.jpg (572x1200, 742.5K)

Isn't this just one of the display options?

Attached: 1653275100869.png (1366x768, 188.8K)

I extended my desktop with a 15 foot cable, it's literally set it and forget it


didn't know that was there

Nvidia shield pro is the best consumer solution. Great compatibility, low overhead, built for tvs and minimal latency while still affordable. mstsc.exe will signal remote desktop functionality

>If it's too far to connect via a cord
There are HDMI to Ethernet or HDMI to fiber adapters, so you can have pretty much infinite range.
I never used HDMI to WiFi, but they definitely exist too.

Attached: 1633408467955.png (1500x1487, 1.39M)

>Nvidia shield pro
what does this do?

Is this the TV you have? If you have an Nvidia card you can just install Moonlight on your TV, and enable Shield Remote streaming in GeForce Experience on your PC.

why does movement lag on my tv when i connect wirelessly from my laptop with windows 10?