Legacy code bug hunting is the worst possible job to have

Legacy code bug hunting is the worst possible job to have

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is there a way to tell if a company is hiring for legacy code maintenance? I really want to avoid this.

>Get exciting new job
>Training starts
>Is java 7
It's over.. isn't it?

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Actually I enjoy it.

>Legacy code bug hunting is the worst possible job to have
my whole job is supporting a bunch of projects written in java 8, none of which have any organized documentation, most of which don't have a single member of the original development or QA team that produced or worked on codebase for the site still working at the company. it's pretty stressful some days, but i know more about most of these projects than anyone at the company, they're so desperate to keep me around it borders on being comedic. but yea i'd have to agree OP

>trannies managed to convince the management to transition over to rust from C++
>had to have an hours long meeting explaining why that's a terrible idea, why it'll take ridiculous amounts of time refactoring, why new bugs will be introduced and why it is actually a very obtuse & slow to code in language that won't lead to any of the promised benefits

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lambdas are for faggots anyway

Being a school teacher is the worst

It's the most common type of programming job.
Get out of there ASAP.

I don't see how.
>don't have to work most of the time
>get to groom kids all day
>if you're caught, union/.gov will defend you

>larping as an archeologist from the comfort of your office is the worst possible job to have
i guess you're not a very curious person?

Well if you're a groomer then yeah but if you're a regular person it means having to make a lesson pan, have it past the entire classroom and try to control a bunch of kids that don't want to be there.

Wow, its kind of embarrassing I made all those typos while talking about this particular subject...

I rather enjoy it.

Also, it can pay quite well.

>get paid way too much for what you do
>tinker and figure out what things do, like a puzzle
>if you get tired of your job just write some documentation in your free time and present it before quitting to make sure that others won't be enjoying such easy leverage
It's cozy

>try to control a bunch of kids that don't want to be there.
i have 0 sympathy for teachers

t. police cop

its not so bad ONLY IF you can refactor it as you go

Yes, I refactor bad code to help me understand it. I may not make it perfect just something more readable with comments for anything complicated.

tfw can't refactor it as a bunch of stuff depends on it and there's no unit tests

Write the tests then refactor