Timeline and the Future of the internet

1990s Dinosaur age everything goes; strange websites for cats and fan websites.

The web 2.0 the meme age. Centralization starts. Discussion is youth teenager culture.

Talking about video games on forums.
Flash animation gets big.
Start of streaming video.
No restrictions no algorithms, the community polices itself.

Content is often unfocused and strange. People doing people things.
>Hey my kid is drugged out after dentist
>Some guy starts rambling on the internet with no focus on a shitty webcam.

So no
>This is sponsored by
>Remember to like and subscribe
>Join my patron !
>Thanks to my patrons.
AKA no professional web series.

The biggest hallmarks of this time are flash animations who took a lot of time and retro game reviews AVGN and Doug Walker style web series, low budget hobby projects.

Major political subject involve Atheism VS Creationism.

Monetization starts. Centralization continues, first signs of YT censoring content and removing things.
Video quality gets better however restrictions show up.
Doug Walker is removed from YT and hosts on his own website because muh DMCA.

Arguably the golden age of the internet thanks to blip and its model.

To this point no real politics only liberterians and strange internet ideas.

The last big push. Filthy Frank show and seeing what filth can be made. Pushes YT to the max in edgy humor

Death of flash starts ~2013

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Other urls found in this thread:


>2014 - 2018 Trump Era
If Filthy Frank was pushing the envelope to the max on edgy humor this was pushing politics to the max.

The Alt-Centrists like Sargon start debating feminists and SJW, SJW word is made up. For the first time in history the left is not shown as cool (this will have consequences).

Raise of the Alt-Right, Openly racial subjects are talked about on the internet (this will never repeat) if the 2000s where the child age of the internet then the 2014-2015 is the jump into adulthood.
CNN is openly pointed at and ridiculed (this will have consequences).

This is the last free era of the internet. unlimited freedom of expression. This existed before however the politics where never so spicy like now with race.

Also flat earth and other conspiracies go to the next level. Flat earth existed since the 2000s on the internet only limited and not made to hot or professionally. Also Alex Jones was on the internet since the 2000s small corner of the internet, got big over time.

Rise of algorithms. Rise of small censorship, fact checkers show up this will be the tipping point.

The great shutdown. Websites get depletformed mass purges of channels and anything political by big tech. Here is where the Alt-Center and ALt-Right politics practically get deplatformed. Alt-Right is purged form social media. Trump Does nothing

Most politics channels are deplatformed or shut down on their own, filthy frank retires his channel.

Flash is killed.

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arguably the most important moment in all of history. All the soft deplatforming etc kicks in overdrive and becomes hardcore now. Questioning the COVID is illegal !
Mass deplatformings and controll of the narrative the internet literally becomes a controlled speech zone where you are only allowed to say things that support the narrative.
> 2021-2022
Society is forced into vaccinating and mask mandates, forced lockdowns.
Something that never happened in historry.

Anything not on the hard left or the extreme left gets deplatformed.

Google removes all conspiracies from YT etc regardless if they existed since there since forever. You can not search for pro conspiracy stuff or see conspiracy stuff unless you specifically enter the channel name.

Literally republican talking points become deplatformable speech. Alt-left videos exist if you look for them.

More and more websites remove comment sections under new articles it is TV 2.0 with YT channels becoming professional TV 2.0

The end of COVID and the start of the Ukranian shit.
Policing exists only is toned down.

In 2022 the police will arrest you for jokes in chat.
The bots are considered the greatest threat to everything.

The future:
I predict that this will only continue the old internet is not coming back EVER.

Here is the prediction
The internet only exists for shopping and work.
No wrong think is allowed.
You can only exist on the major app websites if you post under your real name AKA have a verified account.
A system like SSL or not LOL look at
"login with google"
"login with apple"
"login with facebook"
"login with MS"

This login is connected to your IRL identity and the corporation verified you are a real person. Internet shoppign is simply spyware on you.
internet debates become your mandatory "agree with the government" ritual or you get de platformed for wrong think.
Also you not changing your flag to the current thing is seen as wrong.

This SSL like IRL login is justified since
>We must stop all these bots !
>How can you know this is a real person ?!

Practically no other websites exist outside the big tech ones.
They either get shut down over illegal content or wrong think or simply are flooded with government bots who spam one agenda 24/7

The Big tech websites are also filled with bots only the government lies about it to push a narrative they get their IRL SSL ID for free.

Your every activity and interaction is logged and analyzed.
This is the next decade.

The internet as the 2000s knew it is officially over. It will never return. Never will there be the wild west like it used to be. Anything to spicy is removed.

>b-b-b- muh TOR
Any wrong think place is DDOS-ed by the government. OR spammed by bots. There is no escaping this. in 2018 web hosts literally deplatformed websites. Not your YT or Facebook I'm talking websites you payed for. Poof.

The internet is over.
Enjoy the twilight of the internet the long night will last forever.
There is no salvation on the internet.
Tech will not rescue you.
You should have done it all IRL not on the ogverment spyware network AKA the internet.

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>July 2022
OP becomes a massive faggot who cannot stop sucking dicks.

nice blog, didn't read tho

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We lost Flash with nothing to replace it, which is retarded.

it's over, I'm just waiting Any Forums to die, I want those frogposters and retarded securitards to suffer for destroying Internet

Possible 2031
The internet is dead or has a great fire wall around it.
The separation is something like
Russia + Friends

Contact and communication with other country nets is forbidden since muh Russian bots and muh Russian troll farms and muh Russian bots.

Every government engages in this repressive spying and information control now.
Basically every country is china more or less.

communication to other countries country nets can be blocked on these levels

>Super Soft.
Basically everything did move to apps or whatever is the next thing and accessing the web using browsers is seen strange by Gen Alpha like Zoomers do not understand how to torrent and find it strange, no one is preventing them form using it only they are conditioned to not go there.

Arguably already happened no one is preventing you form using Usenet even for free however most of you will not.
No one is preventing you for musing IRC only you do not. These places are ghost town full of old guys now.

Basically you can not connect to other servers in other countries unless you buy a VPN.

Accessing other countries servers is illegal and you must get a special license to do this like for journalists etc. From the government.

To access other countries you need military level clearance and a record. (I doubt this)

Either way I think the limitation will be based on Super soft and medium. The youth will be conditioned to use apps in the app store and to get out you need to buy a VPN. Also helps the government since they can blame it on the Russian troll/bot farm is someone acts up.

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>We lost Flash with nothing to replace it, which is retarded.
Exactly like planned.

What you wanted to save this game ? Sorry it only runs server side go pound sand.

>We lost Flash w
Funny how the death of flash cured the same time the internet died.

>it's over, I'm just waiting Any Forums to die
This will never happen.
Any Forums is a FBI honeypot. Look what happened to the other chans... Funny for 4chna was never shut down etc.

I come here to basically get reaction pictures, WebMs and post my political ideas.
Fuck I think the FBI agents even know me since I'm not a nazi and I post about political stuff they even are going WTF and are like
>Look you have bean doing this for 2 years everyone knows who you are here, do you not have anything better to do with your life ?

Like the FBI agents are surprised some tech weirdo with his strange old internet ideas is posting here, I mean they are here to get racists on watch lists.

> (OP)
it's over, I'm just waiting Any Forums to die,
Look at this And this these are bots posting here.

Also check this out

Cops come to you over internet chat comments.
Like comedy some comedy youtu.be/GcKAXLksRd0?t=65
>Are you user Dildo Faggins 69 ?!
>Are you user Dildo Faggins 69 ?!
The internet became serious business.

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go back to fucking redd1t you niggers

>The future:
Online passports for internet access and continued and more overt censorship.

I miss the 2000s internet so much bros.

>Online passports for internet access and continued and more overt censorship.
Basically this.

>I miss the 2000s internet so much bros.
Same. Lets bring back the culture of that time.

Fuck SJW ruined everything. In the 2000s practically everything was posted to the internet however it never got big and at most people pointed at it and forgot it existed or ignored it.

I know of a flash video where some kid makes a dramatic reading one of the edgy sex managas you know about a brother getting seduced by his sisters or raping them or something. He made it and posted it.

No one knows who made it it is copies from website to website and from post to post. in 2015 SJW would try to hunt down who made that to get him canceled.

It was the start of the end. The Trump era was the last loud scream of everything before it all was shut down.
PS: Fuck Trump that retard did nothing, he was able to regulate big tech only he is only a dumb boomer.

Regardless the 2000 internet is not coming back. Now the police seriously investigates anonymous posts online etc.
All the forums and lost websites of the 2000s are a benefit of the 2000s internet not a falw.

Police says: Reddit show us all postings of this user and time

Back in the day police did have no idea.
Also the one forum hardly anyone knows that deletes posts and they stay deleted and it shut down 2 years ago. It was trully the wild west of the itnernet.

And zooemr brains are to rotted away to understand how it was.
Gen alpha will be worse what do you think Tik Toks will do to their brains ?

>everyone who doesn't want to read my 10000 character schizo post is a bot

>SA forum never mentioned
>name drops YTfags

>I miss the 2000s internet so much bros.
Same remember rage comics ? They where literally teenagers drawing their life, it was amateurish and everyone joined.

>Watch channel of e-celeb
>E-celeb has art degree and draws better then you
>No kid draws anything only consumes.

Truly TV 2.0

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>>SA forum never mentioned
Yes no one really joined that forum since it cost money.
>>SA forum never mentioned
like it is supposed to be.
>>SA forum never mentioned
How is SA now ?

>Doesn't know what SA is
larping and retarded

Nobody remembers that shithole fondly, outside of paypigs like you.

>fondly, outside of paypigs like you.