Are companies like Intel just a scam then?

Are companies like Intel just a scam then?

Attached: Mastered+baboon+dont+worry+eventually+they+will+reshore+all+those_64bdc8_9723018.jpg (524x529, 64.52K)

Much of society is an agreed-upon scam to keep the wheels turning just a bit longer.

Intel is not just a microchip company but now are part of the US' (and the west's at large) critical infrastructure. The business choices that Intel would make if it didn't have to produce stuff for governments and militaries would be very different.
Intel definitely needs the taxpayer's money if the US forces them to provide chips for those purposes


yummy boots!
>at least its not the govenrment.jpeg

>Intel is not just a microchip company but now are part of the US' (and the west's at large) critical infrastructure.
That's true for a lot of things, and that means they should be nationalized, and made to give access to all citizens.
>Intel definitely needs the taxpayer's money if the US forces them to provide chips for those purposes
They're not, and the US pays out the assfor government and military contracts, it's a huge cash-cow for everyone that gets them. Especially defence manufacturing.

Intel is a American corporation (But only loyal to israel). Almost all large companies are the same, they never should never have been allowed to offshore if the government also wasn't loyal to Israel and hostile to the US population.

Jews are giving money to fellow Jews? Impossible, Henry Ford did not predict this 100 years ago

Capitalism is socialism for the rich.

A good rule of thumb is that whenever someone goes out of their way to tell you how something is, they're just making shit up to engage you.

Like your post, for example?

Socialism is capitalism for the rich.

Capitalism is a scam. How often do the Americans need to get bamboozled by trickle-down economics before they learn?

Hmmm interesting... whats the race of those Intel executives and of those in the government who approved this?

Attached: le happy merchant connected.jpg (960x954, 115.63K)

>Capitalism is when the government bails out corporations
How delusional are you? The issue here is the USG doing market manipulation/politicians (from all parties) being corrupt.

They are all white, intel is awhite supremacist company fabbing in the white supremacist state of israel.

Capitalism is when government

It's true, I lived behind the curtain it was absolute corporate paradise.

Mega consolidation, all of them were owned by the same party.

No problem with wages, set them to whatever you like since everyone works for the same conglomerate.

too big to fail

big semiconductor, microelectronics, and software companies get those "taxpayer subsidies" as payment for government and national defense contracts
those are companies that will never ever be allowed to fail, and will never ever stop pushing out new products
what these companies do for the consumer/corporate market is only a secondary priority for them, and anyone who thinks of them as anything other than part of the military-industrial complex is unironically a juvenile idiot

I think this guys endgame is to run for some sort of office. He's a CEO of a payments company and I see all his karmafarming spammed on leddit and linkedin.

Since nobody else in the thread knows this guy, I'm not sure the strat is working.

> talks about corporate welfare
> doesn't mention MIC
yeah he is a deep state aka chink shill. Where do you think the weekly extra billions for Ukraine are going?

Have you not realized that the economy you are running on is a complete farce?

I was never asked

The government should seize intel and nationalize it then.

intel is a strategic company because it's the only semi-competent integrated circuit manufacturer that the usa has left. it will be saved no matter the cost.