Tell me some extreme ideas to strengthen a home network's security

Tell me some extreme ideas to strengthen a home network's security

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change SSID to password1

Why not join the open network gang instead?

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the network packet from computer A to B is sent to an intermediate computer C where it is added to a backlog and individually inspected by a human before being allowed to pass to computer B

Better than just password

install gentoo

Ditch the network, communicate entirely by carrier pigeon, or small cheap drones. Start writing everything down on notepads.

You need to be schizomaxing

don't connect it to the internet

I will put my cock instead of a gun desu

Make the password password2 they will never expect you to be that dumb reverse psychology

>extreme ideas
Kill everyone on earth. There won't be anyone left to be a security threat.

Um, I’m thinking based. Old testament god...that you, bro?

Turn off the electricity after you microwave your phones and hard drives lmao.

line house with Faraday cage

in my country computer C often just sends TCP RST so your packet never reaches handshake state with computer B
it's called deep packet inspection

You won't have to worry about home network security anymore

I used to love fucking while having her suck on a loaded pistol.

Don't have a connection to the outside world. Don't allow any foreign devices into your house. This includes hardware like printers, keyboards and ofcourse thumb drives

whenever a compromising packet is received by the router, send a missile to the originating IP's country

Against what? Identify the threat before you can find a remedy.

Well then you run into the problem of someone hijacking the drones, you're simply not schizo enough


what is spoofing

OP you cant do anything about it, no matter how you strengthen the security of your home there will be zero-days that will break your security.
if you arent hosting anything to the outside world, which i doubt you are, no one can reach you unless you let them in.
just use common sense 1.0 and install a reputable antivirus.

If you're talking about IoT then set up an IDS or use snort to monitor incoming traffic.