52% of YouTube videos live in 2010 have been deleted

Attached: 2DA9C0E6-27D2-4FFA-B10E-E465D9FE5836.png (2711x4096, 1.23M)

So worthless shit got pruned?
Oh golly who will save us from this unfortunate series of events where hosting shit for shits sake is the ultimate goal of archivists.

Most videos from this decade will be deleted too, there's no use in losing sleep over it.
Humans produce more data than they care to store and, while it's sad, there will always be more data, and more videos.

If you're anguishing over videos from 10 years ago, your life is shit and you're looking back to the past in unchecked nostalgia, kindly learn to archive your own past instead of expecting everyone else to do it for you.

It's only a matter of time before they have no content left. The problem is that the internet is compromised, and any competitor gets lumped into "alt-media" as a means to discredit it. Never mind the fact that making something similar to the size of youtube would cost a fuck load of money. Too much risk for any investor. I guess there's a few alternatives that are decent, but it's only a matter of time before they get shut down for wrongthink.

There's 100 years worth of youtube videos being uploaded every second.

>tfw can't find that tortanic video anymore

Attached: 1631933113074.jpg (500x483, 51.66K)

Content worth watching. I should have clarified. They want to be like a netflix subscription service, and want their users to conform to their high standards for monetization. We're still probably decades removed from YT falling off, but it's an inevitability at this point.

>can't even find me!me!me anymore
what the fuck is going on

Copyright should be abolished.

they want to erase our past.

I have a bunch of relaxation videos that have helped me a bunch over the years that I decided to download and keep. I feel glad that I did as many of those videos do not exist online anymore and many of the original creators have probably lost the original video files themselves which means they couldn't reupload them even if they wanted to.

Why do you people act like it's just youtube?
I can't find a single blogpost written before 2012 anymore, sometimes I find stuff from 20 years ago hosted on forgotten faculty university subdomains, but the authors are probably long dead and these will be scrubbed next time the university tries to upgrade their infrastructure.

I've said it before, but it was the time we grew up in that was weird in this aspect. Lost media is just the name of the game for all other points in human history. Before the digital age, for-consumption information was rarely kept and rapidly decayed. After the democratization of media caused the internet, content was created in massive amounts and rarely if ever kept by those creating or consuming them. But for that brief transitional period where we all drank from the well of common culture centralized around TV commercials and a handful of toy and video game companies, but had a means to easily preserve them. Thus, naive to the realities of the internet, we believe the maxim that "everything on the internet stays on the internet."

But in actuality digital data is the most disposable thing ever created. It can be kept in perpetuity if it has active keepers, but without them it is lost in an instant.

Oh, and also media companies figuring out they need to attempt to keep their content behind lock and key as much as possible but for the most part piracy solves that issue. The thing you're likely not going to see in 10 years isn't going to be because its parent company folded and it went into rights hell.

somehow you gorilla retards turn every single thread on Any Forums into an outlet for your persecution complex

the internet is consolidating and all the old blogs and stuff are rotting away, not to mention being buried in the google search results because they aren't SEO'd ad-ridden indian clickbait bullshit sites

What are you talking about? The only thing I mentioned remotely close to persecution is "conform to their high standards for monetization". That's far to broad for whatever rent free shit is going on in your head. It's provable either way. People didn't do ad reads every video like they do nowadays. Cause dropping a single 'fuck' can get you demonetized.

we will leave behind a lot of physical waste for future archaeologists to pick through, but the present day is going to look like a dark age. suddenly, sometime around 2007, people stopped acquiring books, stopped keeping pictures of loved ones, stopped drawing, stopped painting, stopped recording music. they clearly still drove around, and went to workplaces that didn't produce anything, and had weird tablet-shaped gadgets... but seemed to do nothing culturally and recreationally.

anyway, as photographers say: if you value a photo - if you want to pass it down - then get it printed.

the only worthless garbage here are bots like you and whoever made you in first place

>So worthless shit got pruned?
No, a lot of good shit has gone private, my playlists were a graveyard before youtube forced all of the deleted videos out. So much funny shit lost and I'll never remember what it actually was so I'll never get to see it again.

Thats why these days I download youtube videos all the time, already paid off when youtube falsely took down connor omalleys latest video.

>get it printed
it's still going to fade and turn to dust

Found it on google with the first search result.

It's dark ages from here on out. We only had three or four brief periods where historical records were preservable, and in all other eras of human existence there is nothing left behind to speak of. We've been spoiled by the Romans and Enlightenment Era. Now we're in for a long period where nobody saves anything, ever. AND THAT'S A GOOD THING!

I remember a lot of my fav videos going down over the years. The worst part is while the deleted video would remain in my playlist, youtube would not remember the title of it.
So now I download lots of youtube videos, and archive my favorite channels. I could be wasting a lot of disk space doing it, but eh, what else am I going to use my nas for?

Could it be that people were simply less capable of recording their history in the past?
Most people were illiterate for as long as written language has existed.

>The worst part is while the deleted video would remain in my playlist, youtube would not remember the title of it.
just google the URL and you'll get the old title

but now they outright strip deleted and private vids so you can't even find the URL

not necessarily

No, you misunderstand the problem entirely. In the ancient Mesopotamian era, everything was recorded on clay tablets. Very survivable. Will last millennia. Then the Greeks wrote a few things on pots, but wrote most things on parchment. Not very survivable. We're lucky anything from the Romans survived thanks to Christian monks and Islamic scholars autistically copying them over and over again. And then of course there is the Enlightenment when EVERYTHING was written down on paper, but that's only survivable for a few hundred years. And now we're in the digital era, where paper works are being "preserved" in digital format, which only survives a few decades.

The trend is that the more technology advances, the easier it is to write stuff down but the harder it is to preserve long term.

>waah my favorite shit won't last forever!!
just wait till you hear how you will be forgotten within 40 years even if you had 1000 close friends.

Whatever photographer said that is a fucking audiophile or just some asshole jaded by dealing with stupid grandparents who's never heard of a backup. For every fading sepia photograph that's a century old and has barely survived because it's been handed down as a treasured artefact from generation to generation, there will be thousands of DVDs and ancient hard drives with still readable gigabytes upon gigabytes of information in 100 years. People won't care because there will be thousands of them. The gating factor is relevance, not quantity. Will you be able find a picture of your ancient relative? Probably not unless your family just happened to keep an archive. But will you be able to find petabyte after petabyte of old pictures, writings, and random bullshit that just happened to survive? Absolutely.

The gotcha Ludditetry of "well, actually, physical artefacts survive better than digital ones" is quintessential Any Forums contrarianistic bullshit. Entropy always wins in the end. This is nothing new.

yes thanks some monks in churchs for most of olden times books being preserved, their entire job was collecting and copying shit for future gens

Maybe you're not familiar with contemporary backup mediums, the main two are LTO tapes and Archival Disc which can both last 50 years under ideal conditions, and any data center worth their shit has warehouses of these in addition to their data centers.

ok then

ah yes a dvd drive and a computer & software capable of reading and displaying the data from it... in 100 years' time
>blah blah blah luddite
get real, you wouldn't even be able to find a charger compatible with the phone you had in 2006

>both last 50 years under ideal conditions
Thanks for proving my point.

and they want you to rely on the cloud, but do things like this. More than 50% have been lost, that's just what the bots get rid of, the stuff that gets reported also gets deleted.