*fixes every single possbile issue you had with Fedora*

*fixes every single possbile issue you had with Fedora*

Attached: nobaraproject.png (381x136, 10.04K)

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spoonfeed me on what this is and i might consider it

Fedora with sane defaults, patches for gayming already included, a proper GNOME setup, DNF fixes, etc. There is a list of changes on their site:

>work in progress

Dropped. Linux as a whole is a buggy mess that is always a work in progress because autistic freetards can never finish a complete production ready project like windows 7.

Thanks but I'm sticking to OSX-BSD Catalina

I am typing this from Nobara, literally Just Werks™ the linux distro, saved me from going back to windows because I was tired of all the constant problems with all the distros but this one is just perfect in every single way. We desperately need more of these de-autisticed distros

Attached: nobara.png (1920x1080, 1.34M)

>what are LTS releases
It's always so easy to btfo proprietards. God, you idiots are stupid.

nice name

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>a proper GNOME setup
>proper GNOME
Thanks for telling your distro is vastly inferior to both regular Fedora's LXQT and XFCE spin.

this reads like a fedora spin for gamers

Lol, imagine actually wanting this.

It using GNOME that's not a sane default, especially for gaming lol

Did this really need seperate fork? Couldnt Glorious Eggroll have written a bash script for regular Fedora instead? Also is using a character from a manga even legal?

Learn to install xfce on your own you babby . its a hell of a lot easier then applying noboras optomisations

sorry but my workflow revolves around tiling windows

>especially for gaming lol
Why would GNOME be bad for gaming?

GNOME (with the extensions and tweaks from Nobara) is the only sane choice for people who want their PC to work.
Having a standalone project is better IMO. Normans have no idea how to run a script. Having everything packaged into the ISO is more convenient.
Nobara comes with the PopOS window tiling extension

Nobara is ded, she ain't coming back. Rename your projet, waifufaggot.

based manga reader

>© 2022 Nobara Project • Built with GeneratePress

Attached: asian tucker.png (629x626, 693.98K)

if you're using GNOME Wayland and a gamepad, you'll get huge input lag, on crysis 1 and 2 it would register me moving the joystick after 5 fucking seconds

Brainlet take. GNOME Wayland bypasses the compositor for fullscreen windows, so the latency is as low as possible.

> sane choice
Any Forums humor thread?

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