I bought a dumbphone and it's coming tomorrow. what am i in for?

i bought a dumbphone and it's coming tomorrow. what am i in for?

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>what am i in for?
underage b& if you need to ask this



A phone that can do calls and text. That's all.

Kaios? My experience with Alcatel 3088
> Not great battery life
> Wierd annoying bugs you can cope with
> Too expensive for what it is
> The first weeks you will constantly take your phone out of your pocket and realize you don't have anything to do with it and that you are actually addicted to your phone
> Typing is really annoyed to the point you will always use text2speech. T9 is not as comfortable as you remember
> No turn by turn maps. You have maps with moving position in a fixed map and you will wonder why the hell didn't they just implement the vocal navigation
> Less cellular network coverage
> Depending on where do you liveband what you do you will miss some applications
Other than that it's a great experience. Mine got stolen by some niggers and I refused to spent that much money for a feature phone

doesn't sound like a dumbphone thing

KaiOS is a feature phone (AKA 'dumb phone') operating system.

I've been considering migrating as well since I barely use my phone anyways.
I was looking for a new phone to buy that was rugged and had a good battery life which is all I care about, then realized a cheap dumbphone does everything I need it to.
People will just have to get used to that I won't reply to internet based messaging apps until I actually go to somewhere that has internet.
Probably going to go to a second hand shop and buy the cheapest one I see sometime soon, it's not like there's crazy features to look for.
Best thing is that you can easily open and chop off camera and mic, then only plug in earphones if you need to speak to people.
That and you can take out battery so it doesn't need to be on 24/7

It's just firefox with a javascript gui

It's a feature / dumb phone OS partially based on Mozilla's attempt at making a mobile OS with Linux and Gecko. It's a newer generation feature phone operating system which will offer a bit more flexibility than what we've seen on such phones for decades.

the problem with dumb phones is that almost all of them have this stupid garbage KaiOS installed

A dumbphone

You didn't buy a dumbphone. You bought a stripped down version of android phone. I'm fairly certain you can't find non-android shit phones anymore which is a shame. So basically you're going to have a spyware laden piece of shit that doesn't even have access to the app store or fdroid. Have fun.

it's a nokia 225 4g. it doesn't run kaios, it runs S30+ (nokia's own OS)

In that case - you got lucky actually. If it's anything like that 3310 remake I retardedly bought a few years ago, it's going to be a surprisingly smooth but agonizing experience. Don't expect to browse any sites unless they are text only.

I had a kaiOS phone for awhile and it sucked, not worth it. It had links to faceberg and whatsapp on the home screen that you could remove but would come back every time you rebooted the phone and it's just a stripped down and worse version of pajeetdroid anyway. Then I tried this Nokia 110 4G phone because it doesn't use KaiOS and it didn't even work properly in my country, probably because it's made for shit-stained indians. I would rather not have a phone at all because they are just a wellspring of headaches and problems. I pay $7 a month for a SIP phone number and it works fine enough.

there is some but they are all chinky.
I also want to go down the dumbphone route because I fucking hate touch screens and they make my hands hurt. But I need whatsapp because is what fucking everyone uses.

Still not gonna get a KaiOS one, those look real shitty.

They make smartphones with keyboards

Which ones? I am only really aware of this but I can't find a review on a language that I can speak.

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The only video I saw of it was someone playing Genshin Impact on it at 10 fps.