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Looks like shit. Who the hell will be buying this?

I just want to know how it performs in Blender.

Why does he have such an ugly punchable face?

If their Linux drivers are better than Nvidia's, it will already beat Nvidia in my book.

ARC GPUs win mainly in video rendering, you can make a whole hour of 4k content (60fps) in less than 5 minutes

Because you can tell he's a pussy. He's also fat and unkempt

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>what if we sell 1050Ti performance with same power usage five years after its release and at same price
WTF is Intel thinking.

Imagine squeezing his hair out like a wet rag and using the oil to cook some eggs.

The A380 for 130$? I may just buy that for a media server if it's media engine is good enough, it should be since AMD/Nigvidia want to sell the same crap for $200

Are you retarded? GTX 1050 Ti can't run Feature Level 12_2 games since it doesn't support hardware raytracing, mesh shaders, sampler feedback and VRS tier 2, it's irrelevant

>too lazy to cut hair
>severe overbite
>poor dental hygiene
And yet he runs a successful business that employs half a dozen people and provides a valuable service to a huge number of IT hobbyists.

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>IT hobbyists
His audience consists entirely of gaymers building retardedly overpriced pc's solely to play the latest pozzed trash the game industry is pumping out.

what's interesting is intel found a way for Rebar to not suck dick. It's useless on my Nvidia card for example.

The problem is Arc sucks on legacy systems since you can lose up to 30% performance just from not having Resizable BAR

I think a lot of people would buy the $129-139 A380 but they probably won't now since the hard requirements for ReBAR

>A380 $130-40
That is a fair buy even with the terrible drivers it has today.

Just for AV1 hardware encoder alone it's worth it but the more Intel delays the more they're gonna lose in sales because next-gen GPUs will have AV1 hardware encoders

The way new releases happen usually is the top end comes first.
If the A380 comes out early enough, it will stand for a while as a reasonable ultra-budget GPU with an unusually good encoder.

Steal for 130 bucks. It'll probably take a few years and gens for Intel to bloom properly though.

Is that 4K RAW exported as 4K MXF or MOV? Pretty good if it can do an hour of that in 5 minute export.

At that price point, you take what you can get

>a380 124 fps in csgo 1080p medium settings

I'm pretty sure my gtx780 was pulling higher numbers.

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>IT hobbyists.
I watch him because one day he'll reveal what conditioner he uses


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The GTX 780 sold for $650 MSRP, has a 250W TDP, has 3GB of VRAM, and has worse media processing.

That's cool and all but those points are entirely irrelevant when talking about a gpu that's a DECADE OLD.

It isn't irrelevant at all.
Someone who bought a GTX 780 will have paid something on the order of $500+ dollars extra compared to an A380 for a GPU that's 175W hotter, is in danger of VRAM stuttering, and can't even decode VP9, let alone HEVC, let alone AV1. The A380 isn't equal to the 780, it's much better.

Separately, claiming a budget GPU is disappointing because it's not faster than a high-end GPU of the past is dumb. It's not like every gen has every GPU faster than every option from the last gen. What matters is price for the performance and features. Compared to the 780, the A380 kills it.