Hangouts is over!

What should we switch to?
Wickr Me?

I don't want to be forced to use a phone number to register, because in my shithole country SIM cars has to be registered with ID.

So what's the best messaging app now?


Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-14 at 19-57-12 Noah on Twitter.png (898x1348, 293.21K)

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Just switch to iMessage like everyone else

Signal. No other plausible option.

Signal, but borrow someone else's phone.



Yeah, borrow. You can set up signal by having them call a phone, and it doesn't have to be the phone you have the app installed on.

>like everyone else
Bullshit everyone I know with an iPhone uses snapchat, fb messenger or telegram because it's cross platform

use XMPP

What the fuck is Hangouts? Nobody I know has ever used it.

The answer is now, will forever be, and always has been IRC.

Someone was still using Hangouts? Huh. But I'm personally using Telegram, WhatsApp and Signal. Favourite one being Signal.

Just host matrix

Can we become friends

Attached: 123136933_1219675238411401_4159006643841738422_n.jpg (1242x995, 116.2K)

Hell yeah

add me on telegram

I'm going to treat you like my other friends: contact every few years

signal for relatively good security and privacy

telegram is basically on same level as whatsapp, i think that says enough.

i miss Google + so much its unreal