Is raylib any good?

is raylib any good?

Attached: raylib.png (400x285, 5.65K)

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yeah why not

You can probably a basic mspaint with it
I was thinking about the zoom tool though
Thats probably where youd get stuck

it's great.

it depends. I made a 2d game for a gamejam with it and it was quite good, better than SDL (I had more control over the rendering pipeline while also having to write less code). the 3d api is fine for simple games where you don't need real skeletal animations or modern mesh formats. I got as far as implementing gltf support but I got filtered by UBOs when trying to shoehorn vertex shader skeletal animations into the engine. if you just need a 3d abstraction layer, try

this, I started making a small game and had to drop raylib because skeletal animations didn't really work at all
was fun learning that from scratch so no complaints I guess

so should i just use a full game engine like unity or godot?

No faggot use unreal
Fucking dense faggots

no your library is shit and so are you, faggot.

it's ok to learn C and have fun with. for larger projects consider something like godot, having a scene tree abstraction is very useful

not meant for real game dev if that is what you are lookin for
>raylib project was originally developed for education, while I was working as a teacher, I needed a simple library to teach videogames development to young people with artistic profile, most of them had never written a single line of code.

it doesnt have to be games, it could be graphics or 3d editing

People underestimate how good it really is, it's great. I'm using it with raygui for a project now and it's been amazing so far. It automatically batches sprites and stuff like that really well and has a ton of nice features that are cross platform with zero effort.

your engine is a clunky piece of shit

it's easier to tear something down than it is to build it. History remembers creators, not critics.

>History remembers creators, not critics.
Then explain the entire Jewish race.

Haven't fucked with it much, but it seemed pretty good for its niche. It's akin to both creative coding tools (openframeworks, Processing etc) and old timey game multimedia libs (SDL, Allegro etc). Considering using it just as a GUI layer for one project.

You can also use something like if you want full game engine functionality but having it all in your control kinda like raylib

If you feel the need to maje more tooling for making games just dont.
Theres enough of this stuff out there.

Yeah man, just use bloated engine #7473, that's way easier!
Modern pc's definitely have the resources to work through all that bloat, fuck all those potential users who stick to laptops or low-end pc's.
What's that? You suddenly have to pay licensing fees? Pff, who cares man, at least you're earning some money.

good morning sirs do not redeem the tooling sir