How do i play vn on lonix

help me out bros
what do you need to do to fix this bullshit

Attached: 12312312.png (1416x745, 344.4K)

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Switch to windows

Why do you type like a retard?

Install the fonts you're missing you retarded cunt

The Japs use operating system for erotic games

Would that solve his fucked up English text too though?

You can't. But you can lie in different threads, saying that everything works without problems, like other users.

If it quacks like a duck...

Don't bother, just stick to Windows. Eroges are best played on Windows

that wouldnt solve the rest. war of human tanks had same issue with fonts in wine. but even after you fix it, game is still borked

launch the game with the japanese locale

The easy mode way is to just run Windows in Virtualbox.

Follow the steps here:

By the way, I recommend trying out gamescope-git if you aren't able to fullscreen the game. This happens often with VNs and if it annoys you enough gamescope will often fix this.

>how do i play vn
Don't play VNs, they are proprietary.
stop shilling your site.

> stop shilling your site
This is also good if you want to stay on mainstream sites:

At least it doesn't recommend stupid shit like AlphaROMdie

It just tells you how to run proprietary software, which defeats the purpose of running a free operating system in the first place.

1) install the official directx9 through winetricks
2) copy all of the windows fonts from a windows install to the .fonts folder inside your home directory
3) make a custom shift-jis locale and use it for japanese games
4) install lav_filters into wine so that movies play properly
i made a script that automates all of that as part of my auto-installation and -ricing compilation

Free software is not inherently ethical. It's a start, but it's no guarantee of anything. Not of security, or good intentions. Just look at Signal messenger. You have very little freedom because of the way they have cordoned off their ecosystem. Or look at Chromium, which is de-facto free software even though it is so immensely complicated that it's too hard to verify whether it is or isn't free software.
Why does everything have to be a purity test? Even the GNU Project itself disagrees with you:

Some free software is better than no free software. I agree on principle that you should try to run free software on a free software operating system, as that is much of the point. But guess what - if you're running a free software operating system, your CPU and GPU are still running non-free firmware.
It doesn't make it any better if you don't run any proprietary microcode to update your proprietary firmware, which is the bizarre argument the FSF makes with RYF hardware.
100% free software is not possible right now. You aren't running it. You aren't living up to your own ideal.

>wank to kurasou
do weebs really?

>look at Chromium
It would be even worse if it was nonfree. Ungoogled chromium wouldn't be a thing. If Signal was nonfree, people wouldn't take it seriously and think of it as a WhatsApp clone.
>Some free software is better than no free software.
So you should agree that running VNs is a step backwards in this direction.
> your CPU and GPU are still running non-free firmware.
Most of the time you can't control it. But you can control what you're running in your userspace. And frankly, userspace software is much more dangerous than firmware than can't do much.


> It would be even worse if it was nonfree.
It might be nonfree! Parabola classifies it as nonfree because they were unable to verify it was free software.

> If Signal was nonfree, people wouldn't take it seriously and think of it as a WhatsApp clone.
My point isn't that Signal being free software is bad, but that to be ethical, something more than a copyleft license is needed. It didn't stop KHTML from morphing into Chromium and eating the browser world.

> So you should agree that running VNs is a step backwards in this direction.
These faggots are still going to be playing their eroge on Windows if they can't get it running on GNU/Linux. Which is better? Running Oni Chichi through WINE or through using Windows on QEMU/virt-manager (with no network connection, and instead of Virtualbox because VBox uses non-free extensions for basic functionality)? Genuine question. At that point it seems to be more about convenience.
It would be *nice* if more VNs were free software, but games are the only thing that will remain 99% non-free software. Everything else I can see eventually being replaced free software.
I suppose my follow-up question would be, do you prefer that these people play HTML5 games or use Google Stadia instead? Where users don't even get access to the binary (and so is no longer a non-free sw issue)?

It's all bad, but they're going to do it anyway. Weebs want their gaymes. Wouldn't you prefer they do non-free things on a free operating system?

> Most of the time you can't control it. But you can control what you're running in your userspace. And frankly, userspace software is much more dangerous than firmware than can't do much
I agree, of course.