/wdg/ - Web Development General

Last one died edition.

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP
eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - A good starting point to learn about web dev fundamentals
javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
freecodecamp.org - Curriculum including HTML/CSS/JS, React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB
theodinproject.com - Curriculum including HTML/CSS/JS, and either Ruby on Rails / SQL, or Node.js / MongoDB
fullstackopen.com/en/ - Requires you to have basic web dev, db and git knowledge
flexboxfroggy.com/ and cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex/grid in CSS
phptherightway.com/ - A decent PHP resource
phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial

>List of design resources

>All useful documentation in one place

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

We have our own website: wdg.one
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Attached: wdg.jpg (1400x933, 192.76K)

What's the cheapest managed database (either Postgres or MySQL/MariaDB) that I can use in my projects? AWS RDS offers databases for $0.016/hour (roughly $12/month). I've used it before, but is there no cheaper alternative?

Learn IHP + Purescript



Express doesn’t have this problem

When do I know if I should use SQL or NOSQL?

Example use case for IndexedDB? When should I use it instead of Web Storage?

I am good at web dev and have done some mid size projects and every customer was happy. I have a deep understanding of semantics, of html5, css, JS and how to make shit *really* work (even if stuff breaks, which is the core of what web dev is about - stuff breaks because you do not have control over the client).
Which is why I have never had a reason to learn newish (and for me that is everything after jQuery) frameworks. Because I can do without. And better that is.

Trying to now get into any half-baked company (because I want the social security and retirement plan for some day - doh!) and they all require angular/react or some other shit.
Even looking at code bases which use these fuckshit on top of (the itself flawed) JS makes me vomit. This is everthing that clean and agile code is NOT about. I realize that web dev somehow has a magical attraction for mediocre dumbfucks, but seriously...

How cope?

just because you made the effort to build your own components once with vanilla JS doesn't make you a good webshitter

sounds like your time is worthless

I do not build components.
Sounds like you are exactly the type of person who I am talking about: Managing a gigaton of shitty imports in a react app with a page load time of 20 seconds - but never even having learned JS from the ground up. You are probably the kind of person who advocated for getting the shitty Java keywords into ES6, because you cannot wrap your head around function based classes. Dumbfuck.

in general terms:
. data is highly relational? => SQL
. data is not relational at all => NoSQL

I learnt basic stuff about JS, mongo node and express.
what should I learn next React or Angular?
looking for something a little bit futureproof.
difficulty of learning it is not a concern.

Please go away and complain/brag somewhere else.
Learn React, it is here to stay for a long time, for sure 10+ years.

Please, die in a fire. Reactlet.
Or tell me how you starting coping and love the smelly code - which I was asking for after all.

class syntax sugar was added to address prototype boilerplate, has nothing to do with Java fags

> Managing a gigaton of shitty imports in a react app with a page load time of 20 seconds

Solved problem.

This was already happening before React with jQuery and it's many plugins, or even mass usage of script tags.

>Solved problem.
Solved problem? The web is getting slower each day a new framework lights up and an old one dies but is still hidden in the old code. Solving the problem of loadtimes like opening Office 2010 on a pentium 3 machine in the web is creating placeholders, placeholder components and placeholder preloading JS - that is the problem solving that we see.
Even the big players do it like this because it fits their agenda of making shit more and more bloated.

I am not a frontend developer. I just don't like you.
Please go and be toxic somewhere else.

So you are NOT a frontend dev, but you shill react to other people? You are exactly the kind of stupid person that I am having trouble with. Instead of keeping your mouth shut, you contradict yourself within two sentences. So I guess you are the prime web dev responsible for shity code and my coping starts by reading your stupid as shit replies *without* me having the need to immediately start looking for a big rope

>in general terms:
Unstructured -> NoSQL
Structured -> SQL

You are complaining about a different issue now, and being more general about it. Lazy loaded components is a design decision and was already happening in the jQuery era.

isn't it died?

also, when are you going to kill JS? Web Dev wouldn't be that bad if all of you stopped using the most retard language you can find.

Attached: 1657764242692.png (540x540, 205.74K)

No, I am not complaining about a different issue. This is happening only because it is done wrong. If the loading is so slow, then showing a placeholder which eventually even disappears is a lie told by the developers - because they could not fix their freaking slow load times. And they could not fix these, because they are putting framework on top of framework on top of framework on top of a JIT compiled language, which they do not like.
And frankly if they do not do it in the browser, they still cannot fix shit, because the stuff that gets build by the transpilers is unmaintable garbage, too.
Hell, most modern web devs have never written a line of JS themself!


>Kill PHP
>Kill JS
What do you even use for web?

structured data does not actually mean that exactly. Structured means there's some format, as in defined columns..
Unstructured can mean data streams, files, some data with no column specifications.

linking him

> No, I am not complaining about a different issue.

You are, but I think you are just venting at this point.

> Hell, most modern web devs have never written a line of JS themself!

Now you are also delusional.

>filtered by react