Why does Google pretend that every search returns 1,000,000...

Why does Google pretend that every search returns 1,000,000,000 results when every search returns like 30 results at the most. And sometimes less if you try to search for something specific a lot of times google can't even find a single result. Are they really censoring THAT much?

Attached: 1657792632314s.jpg (166x250, 5.72K)

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Maybe it means hits and not separate websites?

I don't use google.

Nobody asked

What do you use?

Shut up.


That is virtually identical.

DDG bing and scinapse

How do you know? Have you tried?

Yes I have. They are the same, just different order.

because it's a monopoly with no competition

otherwise search might have improved much more

Oh it definitely would have. I already have much better, just 2 more weeks but unironically.

And then maybe 2 more weeks after that.
And then maybe 2 more weeks after that.


>Are they really censoring THAT much?
No, they are trying to protect normies from being overwhelmed with too many results.


On the first page, you get 3 extensions. And 3 themes. Then the page is over.

To show more extensions, you need to click on the top right, which is kind of a dark pattern. Many wont even know that's there.

The idea is - go to the store, ask if they have what you need. They give you the product or tell you they don't have it. That is easy so it will be done for everything.
If there is a long list where you need to have a clue to pick the right extension - they will feel like they are not an expert and never want to use it again.

Attached: webstore-3extensions.png (1210x1642, 265.64K)

if you have any experience in SEO
youd know that 90% of the clicks go to the first result
5% go to the second
5% go to the third
no one is going past page 2,3 of google results.
you most likely should be reading books about the topic you're interested in and not looking at a search engine.


>hear song on radio but don't know the name of it
>google the lyrics
>no relevant results
>every time
Come the fuck on it can't be that obscure if it's on the radio

Most of the internet is fake

do you prepend "lyrics" to the query?


i usually enter lyrics into youtube instead