Give tech illeterate 12 yo sister my old PC for Christmas

>give tech illeterate 12 yo sister my old PC for Christmas
>forget that ive got a bunch of xj9 porn on the 2tb second drive
>it's been 6 months and I take a peruse through her files while I'm at my mom's house hanging out
>immediately find all of it again and remember
What are the odds she selected >files>mypc>[D](the secondary)Drive>images? I think slim desu but im kinda shook up

Attached: 1657081298339.jpg (1200x922, 678.97K)

I hope you go to jail. Not for any moral reason, just because I think it would be funny.

Zero. Post your collection for us anyways, though.



it would've been fine if it wasnt xj9. get some better taste

No fuckin way. I have explained how computers had multiple drives to many people and most are too scared to actually click on them once they know of them

She's fucking her entire class to care about your incel porn.

What's xj9?
Anyway, you should nakadashi your imouto.

sharing is caring. also based george.

What's xj9? Will I end up on some government blacklist if I search for it online?

Grooming is illegal, OP.

It's Jennifer "Jenny" Wakeman aka XJ9 from My Life As A Teenage Robot. She cute.

Attached: 60bed791b6a3fa41d9d965b6ff9ed899.png (480x720, 187.61K)

you'll end up on a government basedlist

based George

who the fuck unironically downloads porn

you must be 18+ to post here

same thing happened to me
but it was my cousing and her friend
>be sitting at my computer
>suddenly hear loud porn moaning
>go to living room, cousins giggling on the floor, because of porn movie on my old computer
>even mom is laughing at me
>turn it off and go back to my room
thank god it was the most vanilla shit in the universe... I can't imagine what it would have been like if there something else

just delete all of it and analyze her behaviour after the fact

Zero chance she went there deliberately, but if you are using a recent version of winblows it will serve up random images for you for no fucking reason. It would serve you right for not installing gentoo, or at least win 7


you must be an addict to download porn

Why didn't you format everything? Even after I formatted everything I still fear there might be something that will be found at any point so I format it again and leave the system as it is upon reinstall.